
Jan 28, 2009 21:04

Wrinkles had two seizures and is in the hospital right now. Additionally, something might be wrong with one of his lungs. I don't know yet what the prognosis is, because the vet is afraid that the last seizure messed with his brain function because his legs are having trouble working ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

shadowpegasus January 29 2009, 04:57:17 UTC
:( hugs. Im so sorry hun, i know how you feel with the guilt, my dogs are living with my mom right now, and i feel horrible about one cus i miss them and because they are getting older...and i keep hearing about how they are getting older. mew...huggles


goldelfwitch January 29 2009, 13:53:10 UTC
Thank you for the kind words.


julesce January 29 2009, 06:18:11 UTC
oh my god, why is this happening right now? Why are all of our pets having brushes with death? This is the shittiest thing ever. I'm so sorry, tish. But I know that wrinkles knows you love him, even if you are not with him. The only thing you can do right now is hope and pray, but if it turns out to be his time, just remember that he knows you love him, and he knows that he has had a good life, full of happiness. You didn't abandon him, because you have never stopped loving him, and thinking of him. And he knows that.


goldelfwitch January 29 2009, 13:52:54 UTC
I know, it really sucks. But you're right, I have taken good care of him and he is getting old. This is something that we will have to deal with more and more I think, the issue of death. I thought about that for a long time last night, that as we get older, death is a larger part of our lives. But I also know that life will be a larger part of our lives too, and that the two go hand in hand. It's very sad sometimes, but it is inevitable, and for some reason that both terrifies and comforts me.


purplestocking January 29 2009, 16:17:09 UTC
tish i love you and i hope things get better


goldelfwitch January 29 2009, 16:29:30 UTC
Thanks Caro. I love you too.


sourpatchhobbit January 29 2009, 20:31:35 UTC
OMG Tish! My heart goes out to you!
What you said in response to Julia's post is really true though. I don't want it to be Wrinkle's time (he's such a fun dog. One of the first small dogs I ever loved, I'm getting tearie eyed here). But you did not abandon him. You have been so great to him. And even if you are not there for him at this moment, your grandma is. You talk about how he has a place in her chair and she loves him. You didn't abandon him, you having to leave him with your dad has introduced more loving people into his life.

I'm sorry you have a cold too. That always makes things harder (except maybe getting out of work ;P).

Call me if you need to talk to someone. I should be home by about 6, my time.


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