FanFic: University AU Chapter 2

Aug 22, 2009 13:12

Title: "Revenge is a Dish Best Served Gay" Ch 2/?
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In which, Arthur pretends to be gay, Merlin is crowned Fairy King and both are in way over their heads. Also full of revenge, projectile Fruit Loops, scary pink dorm rooms, glitter pens, pillow fights and a whole lot of very confused people.
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur. Mentions of ( Read more... )

merlin, fanfic, humour, romance, au

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Comments 12

ancaangie August 22 2009, 20:57:44 UTC
Absolutely amazing!!!
Can't wait to


magog_83 August 22 2009, 21:27:43 UTC
Merlin shrugged. “Dunno. Have you felt a disturbance in the Force?”

Arthur laughed. “Always the nerd, Merlin.”

That is genius! I am in love with Merlin and his geeky ways :) This is still fantastic - poor boys, stuck with their pink room from hell. I cannot wait to see how Sophie reacts...


archaeologist_d August 23 2009, 01:11:16 UTC
Very funny. I really liked the idea they had to live in a pink room. Plus I LOLed when they told Morgana the truth. Cute!


mmang0 August 23 2009, 01:49:10 UTC
I've been waiting (not-so) patiently for this! but i had no idea it was gonna be this good!
everyone is so perfectly characterised and i've been grinning like a moron from start to finish...
merlin's nerdiness/ them being stuck in a pink all girls dorm/ morgana (need i say more?)
just pure awesome.
thanks for updating pretty quickly!


wildmaera August 23 2009, 01:52:25 UTC
Oh, Merlin, you don't need a reason to be gay.

Love it. Can't wait for what's next.


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