
Mar 04, 2006 17:35

For the love of all that is holy, am I the only one on this frickin planet who still uses punctuation, capitalization and fripping paragraph breaks within an email? My mortgage broker is sending me these very long, detailed, math-infested emails without any of the above, and I swear I'm going blind now from the loooong blocks of text ( Read more... )

rant, writing

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Comments 4

janajoh March 5 2006, 00:28:31 UTC
It's the by-product of AIM, Joia. People communicate in symbols or abbreviations and smilies!!

I have one friend who writes emails in all caps and in horrible run-on sentences. It's the kind of email I have to read aloud to understand what he's trying to say!


gioiamia March 5 2006, 01:26:49 UTC
It's dreadful and there's no excuse for it! My mortgage broker can't possibly blame AIM, because she doesn't at all seem like the IM'ing type. I'm tempted to start up a remedial English class for internet addicts.


chatterboxchron March 6 2006, 06:26:27 UTC
The emails that the teens send to Tim are horrible. Tim says they are text messaging from their phones. I guess that explains some of it. But mostly I think people throw grammar, etc. out the window because they are on the computer. I'm anal so I can't bring myself to do it. I guess you're thankful I can't :-).


gioiamia March 6 2006, 06:27:45 UTC
Oh, yeah. If you wrote me emails like some of the godawful things I've seen, I'd never visit your blog again.

Oh wait.

I'm never there now.


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