I'd rather die than kiss you!

Jul 13, 2007 10:04

Official I'm-Not-Crazy Disclaimer: Because the HP actors aren't that much older than my son, I've been watching them with a bit of a maternal eye for the last several years.  So while I'm not going to go all fan-girly and start gushing about how cute the kids are, I do get a kick out of watching their interactions, if that makes sense.

Anyway, all ( Read more... )

hp, dh, movie

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Comments 3

laurenc21 July 13 2007, 16:28:04 UTC
Hehe. I love Rupert.

(I wonder if that will fuel the HP crazy too. Have you read Fandom Wank lately? They're holding their breath, waiting for fandom's collapse with DH.)


gioiamia July 13 2007, 18:58:47 UTC
I have to admit I have this sadistic part of me that has July planned this way:

July 19th or 20th: Meet Kath in person - yay!
July 20th: Dinner with Kath & Angel; get the book
July 21st: Ignore world as I read non-stop
July 22nd: Sit back and watch to see if the internet explodes from all the freaked out HP fans.

If things are as volatile as I hope among the fandom and ship boards, I'm hoping that they get most of the action out of the way over the weekend. I don't want to miss work because I'm busy reading fandom wank and snickering. It was hard enough explaining why I needed off for July 21st. I don't think I can get away with being distracted for the rest of the month while I enjoy the fandom fall-out.


tasyfa July 14 2007, 19:47:29 UTC
That was SO CUTE. WI = Women's Institute, hee. Thanks for linking! :D


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