
Oct 15, 2006 23:50

I go to all the glamorous places. Back from Long Eaton today - that was a huge amount of fun, though - and off to the Somme and Passchendaele tomorrow. With good boots in case of mud. Not the poppy season though, I assume.

For the minimeet in Long Eaton (between Nottingham and Derby, North Midlands) we all wrote drabbles or brought something along to share. (
kazzy_cee   shared some wonderful porn manips and pictures).

Here, FWIW, is my drabble, the first strict 100-word drabble I've done. Be gentle.

The prompt was "Fantasy".

Ways to Save the Girl.

A roundhouse kick to the head and the bastard falls.

He dives forward, punching the little jerk, who topples off the tower with a satisfying wail.

He twists, rolls and rises, fangs ready to slide smoothly into demon neck.

Gripping a length of chain, he swings under the platform, rising smoothly on the other side with the impetus to give a forceful kick to the spine.

As the knife slides into his belly he clamps down on the wrists and pulls. Both of them crash to the rubble below.

There’s nothing left at all in his unlife but fantasy now.

There were some excellent pieces by the others - look on
writerconuk  to see them - vaut le voyage, as they say.

Back Thursday - be good while I'm gone!

ETA: Bloody LJ appears to be adding random line returns every time I use a username - and as it's just gone midnight and I have to be up at 5.30, I'm just going to have to leave it unfixed for now. Another of their improvements, no doubt. *sigh*

writerconuk, my fic

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