Title: TriAngle SiDe of LoVE (chapter5/?)/ second series
Rating: PG/ Smut
Couple: Heechul/? , Yunjae
word count: 593
A/N: This is my second series fanfic.. It was the continuation from the first one with more pairings... (sorry for wrong grammar~~)
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Comments 7
and... "him"?? who's that him??
curious curious curious curioussssssss xDDDDDD
will kyuwook be here??
wahahahahaha..."him".. try to guess...
but..ohh... why Heechul whyy.... T___T
you have such a destiny... T___T
if only i can be one of ur customer... ->> sorry... just screaming in my heart... xp
pheeww... i think i have an idea who's 'him'.... not so sure but... quite sure... but... xDD
thank you honey~~ *hugs*
'him" was someone that you never can predict about unless I finished the story ^^' hehehe~~
yeah...i wonder and wonder... but never know the right answer yet... xDD
are u still continuing this story??still too interested to stop... xDD
hehehh... still reading many fics,cos i'm new at SJ's fanfic, but actually i read fics from yrs ago... xDD
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