Gate geekiness.

Jul 15, 2006 17:32

I admit it. I squeed like a great big dorky fangirl last night. A lot. Lots of braininess and ballsiness (and some bitchiness) in both shows. Lots of studly flying and blowing shit up and ridiculously attractive people in absurd situations. I'm a very happy camper. I haven't rewatched the SG-1 premiere 37 times as much as I have No Man's Land, so everything under the cut is Atlantis-centric. If you don't want to know, don't look.

Random stuff that rocked. (Contains spoilers of a spoilery nature.)

  • Whoo! for there being a female F-302 pilot out there blowing the shit out of things. And she's a badass, too.

  • "This is new." Captain Lt. Colonel Understatement strikes again. The F-302 clinging to the side of the ship reminds me of those little tiny bats under the bridge downtown when they crawl out of the cracks and stick to the wall. Absolutely useless observation, there. Move along.

  • Lots of first names being thrown around in this one. It's about damn time. Maybe someday they'll actually get Rodney to call Sheppard "John" (which will hopefully not cause the universe to implode).

  • Weir had big brass ones in this ep. That and her interaction with Teyla actually gives me hope that the writers have finally learned how to deal with characters who are not in possession of a penis. (Actually, both women appear to have a few, they just let the guys carry them around.) The conversation between Weir and Caldwell was very well done (they should so do it). Also, she's obviously gotten over her problem with sending people off in ships to die.

    Do what now?

  • Poor Teyla. She just lost the rest of Team Dork and she immediately gets saddled with Weir's crappy job.

  • "It must have been some kind of spyware, ugh, just like when I stupidly downloaded porn...MUSIC! When I downloaded music!"

  • Ronon and Rodney. Hilarious in the face of certain doom. Sure Rodney has grown as a character since the start of the series, but his constant bitching and moaning was pretty justified. It's just what he does when he is well and truly screwed.

  • Just when it looks like Shep’s flashback is going to result in a brilliant, heroic, save-the-day bit of information, he is of course completely ignoring the conversation McKay and Zelenka are having to flirt with the brunette at the next table. Genius. And in case I haven't said this in the last thirty seconds, Joe Flanigan is obscenely hot. Also, he looks like he's gained a little weight, and it looks goooood.

    Related: If I hear one more person whine that "John is such a slut!" and "Why was he looking at that girrrrrl?" I'm going to fucking snap. He's a guy. A guy who despite being outrageously good-looking and ridiculously charming probably hasn't had a whole lot of action in the last three or four years. He acts like a goofy teenager in so many other respects, the flirting - at least to me - just seems to fit right in. Besides, when he does it, he's completely adorkable.

    Is that even possible? Let's have flashback and find out.

    Sure the conversation is deeply involving...

    ...but so is the hot chick from the science department.

    "I gotta pay more attention to those guys."

  • Seriously, asking Weir to just pop through the gate in the middle of the shit and when there was a real chance the Daedalus might be fucked and she'd never be able to get back...Stupid IOA.

  • "Sorry, got the wrong number."

  • Dude, I really don't want to know where Ronon had that knife. And whaddaya know? He's an optimist. A very large, violent, hairy, hot, optimist.

  • I almost like Woolsey. He's not really an asshole, he's just always in the unfortunate position of being on the opposite side of an issue from Our Heroes.

  • "I'm not even sure that's possible."

    "Make it possible, please."

    "Yes, sir."

  • "It'll be a walk in the park. A very scary park, filled with monsters who are trying to kill me."

  • I love the shit out of it when Shep gets to do the fighter pilot thing. (I've heard there are folks that don't think he could ever have been anything but a helicopter pilot, and to them I say WTF?) Shooting a wing off the F-302 was pretty spiff. (But good grief, did they need to send a gazillion darts after one wee little fighter?) Sure, Shep is Mr. Hero Guy, but that doesn’t automatically mean that he gets to succeed. (If you've been watching the show for any length of time, you know this.) And despite the fact that we knew he wasn’t screwed, I said "Holy shit" real loud anyway. 'Cause damn. They destroyed a lot of hardware in this one, on both sides.

  • "We have been walking around here for the better part of a day and I have yet to see one exit sign."

  • Ronon's plan? Kill people and break shit. Man after my own heart.

  • "I suppose I'd rather die a hero than a meal."

  • Mitch Pileggi is totally working that jumpsuit.

  • Whoever has the contract for manufacturing darts in the Pegasus galaxy has got to be making a fortune.

  • Badass space battles, big bucks for f/x and CGI dudes who must really love their job. The drones zipping between darts as they headed for the hive ship, that was...yeah. That was good.

    I was hoping Atlantis would get to keep the Orion. It was a bitchin piece of machinery. Plus it would have meant less relying on Daedalus ex Machina to save the day. Just once it would be nice for them to find some killer Ancient tech and actually get to play with it for more than a couple episodes. I bet they were the kind of kids who had already broken their Christmas toys by mid-afternoon on Christmas day. That said, the thing was how old?

  • Zelenka and Lorne, Mighty Munchkins to the rescue!

  • "They could be anywhere on this ship."

    "Well, that's a start."

  • "Their operating system is a mess. Thank goodness I remember DOS. Trust me, that was hilarious."

  • "Where did you come from?"

    "I managed to latch onto the hull of the hive ship before it went into hyperspace."

    "Nice move."

    "I saw it in a movie, once."

  • McKay and Zelenka. Wondergeek powers, activate!

  • Connor Trinneer was the reason I kept watching Enterprise as long as I did. Even Wraithified, he's fantastic. I really dig Michael (even though I suspect he's going to screw them over in some way) and I hope they keep him around. Judging from the snotty way the queen says his name - and the fact that we have yet to actually hear of a Wraith with a name that Shep didn't give them - I'm guessing names aren't cool in their crowd. Or having other folks know them. Or...something. Hopefully we'll find out one of these days.

    And go Mike with the spiff plan.

  • I really dig that Ronon listens to Shep, even when what he's been told to do really pisses him off. Lucky for Shep, because Ronon could kick his ass right up between his shoulder blades.

    "Because I said so."

  • I like Zelenka's suggestion that they send a message to let Earth know what happened. Even better is Rodney's response:

    "A noble sentiment, but I would like to dedicate my last breath of air to getting more air."

  • Good pep talk from Landry. Usually all his presence does for me is remind me that he isn't Hammond.

  • I love how everyone's flopped on the bridge of the Daedalus, and when Shep gets up to go, the guys behind him just pop up and follow. And only John would wander into a hive queen's chamber and "Hello" all goofy like that.

  • I totally thought Lorne was gonna get offed.

  • "I think we're out of the woods." Dude, that's a cue for lightning to strike you if I've heard one.

    You might note that despite the fact that they all haven't died horribly, Shep doesn't look that happy. I think he just remembered that he blew the shit out of that hive's hyperdrive earlier.

  • Caps from Abydos Gate (by tehshroom), except for the F-302 caps by IWantToBelieve.

    Wow. That was a lot.


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