Double Take

Oct 07, 2010 09:25

Did they really just say on the radio -

Medals have been won in the Solo Synchronised Swimming?!?!?

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Comments 4

littleonionz October 7 2010, 08:58:40 UTC
You've not been listening to the other radio station again have you? that one that tells you to kill?


ghatanothoa October 7 2010, 10:16:29 UTC
sorry its taken so long to reply... this blood is a bugger to wash off.

No.. no dodgy radio stations at all.. just off to london now....


(The comment has been removed)

ghatanothoa October 7 2010, 10:15:38 UTC
oh dear.. and how long were you strapped in the chair with your eyes forced open in front of the film before you bought that?


dreamfire October 7 2010, 11:05:58 UTC
No it isn't. Its synchronising the performance in the water to the music.
No dance outside the pool. At least not unless it has changed an awful lot since I used to compete!
Daft name, daftish sport too - very similar to figure skating - in that it too is all learnt through technical figures.


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