Sep 03, 2003 23:59

Many Many Ants Have Entered the Pantry From Around the Light Fixture. There is no mood icon for fuckingfreakingout!

I lost count at 20 ants and had to run to the bedroom and call a friend because I thought I was going to pass out. I have not had a panic attack this bad since the aftermath of The Unfortunate Incident in 1995 when I was having PTSD flashbacks many times a day and freaking out almost hourly.

A Bit of Background: One of my earliest memories is of having nightmares as a child (circa three and four years old) of being surrounded by crawling bugs, usually ants. I would waken in my bed all scrunched up trying to keep away from them, I could see my parents sleeping across the room (my bed, until I was about five, was in my parents room) but was afraid to cry out in case the bugs/ants would hear me and find me. The really creepy thing was I was awake and could still see the ants all over the bed. I realize now that it was an hallucination of some kind. But the little kid I was then was petrified. In the morning my mom would find me either sleeping at the end of the bed or stretched out again with my feet on my pillow and my head at the foot of the bed where I had compacted myself to hide from the ants.

So I had a massive panic attack tonight when I got home from work to find ants literally covering the ceiling and wall of the laundry area used as a pantry and coming out around the pantry door and across the kitchen wall.

I am massively pissed off now because A) the small amount of money I was saving for my birthday gift to myself I now have to spend on dealing with killing the ants, replacing the pantry shelves with something that I can enclose, like a cupboard with doors and B) I get to spend my vacation dealing with the kitchen issues instead of my planned cleaning and sorting of my storage unit, the cost of which has risen ten bucks in the last two months and I want to get it emptied so I can stop paying an arm and a leg for it.


when ants attack

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