Well, it seems I've abandoned my livejournal, damn
twitter -- which I'm liking more and more (this
sums it up pretty well) ... And IRC (#plone) to some extent too... anyhow, I am going to blogging more / again but it won't be here. You can find me blogging about plone (of course), music, tv, etc over here:
http://blog.darci.hanning.name/ sorry,
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Comments 18
I do very much enjoy the network I've created on twitter... but I hadn't expected it sap my desire to blog/post to livejournal to the extent that it has. I'm still sorting it out, I think...
I hate it with the kind of burn that I reserve for WalMart and Rush Limbaugh. It's a cross between them, I think. As bad for us as Rush, but as "convenient" and apparently harmless as WalMart.
Now hand me my shawl. I'll be over there in my rocker.
Wherever you are in blog-land, be happy. That's all that matters.
And see, I get the same from Twitter and IRC :) I have friends who will never ever bother to log on to LiveJournal to read my posts here. And friends from my years in the Plone community that don't even know I blog here -- these are often people I have either met in person or have worked on a task together online or both. So I can't deny the pull that that has for me...
And I agree 100%: not all tools are for everyone. And perhaps even no single tool is for one person all the time. I've been on LJ for quite awhile (7 years or so) and there are a lot of people who are no longer here either...
Everything changes, I suppose :)
Well, I hope to see you around here occasionally maybe.
I haven't been writing as much either (I x-post my lj to my blog at http://www.lepismatidae.net/blog when I do write except for stuff I want under lock/key), but it's mostly due to just not having the energy/space to do so. That & I keep getting told at work that I write too much & to keep stuff down to 50 words & three bullet points. As if you can say anything worth reading in that. < rolling eyes > I totally need a new job. *ANYWAY*
Yay! Your word press theme is so so so pretty!
I don't have a celphone, but have occasionally found twitter useful with news events and probably will continue to dip my toe in once in a while.
The whole 140 character limit, texting paradigm kinda isn't my style.
I happen to think LJ has some features that are better than wordpress/blogger:wordpress is harder for me to customize, blogger has a few weird things also.
I am sure if I paid for wordpress I'd find a way to customize etc. Right now my layout is designed by frozen_mint and is allowing me a lot leeway as to design etc.
And I've barely redone it , actually.
I'll come on over to your plonelandia for a quick visit. Is plone easy to customize or do you need to really know it?
My CSS is mid-beginner level.
Hello and howdy by the way.
The great thing is the current layout stylist I am using has really good basic bones of the smooth sailing layout, which I don't know too well, so I am learning a little more about now.
She also sort of works well into a style I like-- a little urban, a little minimalist, some floral, some grunge, a little steampunky.
I just saw your lovely wordpress theme, and am going to look into rockkitty.
I am wordy and visually oriented.
Oh noeees.
I totally get the visually oriented -- which is why I spent HOURS looking for a theme I could tolerate. I'm not usually the floral type but I liked the colors.
I steal from this and that idea off various designs, somehow ending up with something not quite like the 4-6 sources of my decorations.
Anything eccentrically evocative of the past, present and future I somehow like.
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