[fic] In Amnion, 1/? (Torchwood; Jack/Ianto, post-COE, MA)

Jan 19, 2010 15:42

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Well, it looks like it's that Bat Time. And this must be the Bat Channel as I am, after all, extremely batty. ^_~ Not much to say, except that I sincerely hope this chapter doesn't disappoint. *wibbles nervously* Oh, I have to post this, it's burning a hole in my hard drive. ^^ At any rate, I have to thank you ever so for taking the ( Read more... )

torchwood, slash, in-amnion, fanfiction, jack/ianto

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Comments 16

doves_wing January 19 2010, 21:58:13 UTC
Ooh. This gets more and more interesting. Can't wait to see what happens. Wei reminds me of that Duchess, the one in Europe, who bathed in virgins blood.


garnettrees January 21 2010, 23:53:36 UTC
*grins* Thank you for commenting-- I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter. I was really worried I was going to scare everyone off. ^^; But, I like I said, I promise a happy Jack/Ianto ending. I'm actually a big fan of fairy tales... just the original dark versions.

Wei reminds me of that Duchess, the one in Europe, who bathed in virgins blood.
Elizabeth Bathory! That's what I was going for, in many ways. I'm so pleased!

Thanks again!


natn2208 January 19 2010, 22:30:16 UTC
You have me so intrigued-I cannot wait to see where this goes. I have seen the movie 'Dumplings'-it freaked the heck out of me, & I remember, I got my Mum to watch it too, & she rushed into my room to talk about it, because she couldn't stop talking about how freaky it was. So since I've seen it, my mind is going all sorts of weird places as I try to figure out where you are taking this story!


garnettrees January 21 2010, 23:58:16 UTC
Intrigued is good-- I was worried I'd scare everyone away!

I have seen the movie 'Dumplings'-it freaked the heck out of me
I was really impressed with the film; both with the sensitivity of the directing, and the delicate touch in the writing itself. It had elements of Snow White and other fairy tales yet, when you scratched the surface, there was pure human evil underneath. I loved the theme of a woman's beauty becoming so overwhelmingly important to her. *shivers*

So since I've seen it, my mind is going all sorts of weird places as I try to figure out where you are taking this story!
I'll admit, I'm going to a weird place, but hopefully not too weird. And there were no small children harmed in the making of this story. ^_~

Ps. I just love the picture you used in your icon. I actually love all the Jack/Ianto promo-shots from COE (practically the only good things we got ^^), but that one sums up the pairing for me. There they are, taking comfort in each other, safe for one unreal moment in their own little world.


stuffphile January 19 2010, 23:58:23 UTC
What a great beginning! Consider me hooked. :D


garnettrees January 21 2010, 23:59:24 UTC
I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that! This fic kind of ran away from me, and it's going strange places, but I'm glad to hear you like it. ^___^


badly_knitted January 20 2010, 10:42:22 UTC
Can't even begin to imagine where this is going, but I'm completely hooked! Love your attention to detail and the sense of unreality created by the heat and Jack's memories. Looking forward to more!


garnettrees January 22 2010, 00:00:55 UTC
*blushes* Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm glad Jack's memories worked-- he's lived so long it seems to me sometimes that it must get overwhelming. Especially in the throes of grief.

I promise another update next week!


aierea January 21 2010, 04:15:17 UTC
Can't wait for more. :)


garnettrees January 22 2010, 00:01:24 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad I didn't scare you off. ^_^


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