[See little!Noi, with her devil horns and her devil tail, reading the guide as she walks. She is happily walking around town, eating this huge ice-cream cone when someone bumps into her and there goes her ice-cream. The guide falls on the floor too]
[the alien turns and looks at her] Watch where you are going, kid.
That was your fault!! The
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That is so cool.
Hey, Noi.
You were an adult too or you're new around this place?
What's with this whole 'you were an adult' thing? People weren't adults. It's not like you're twenty one day and you wake up the next day and you're fifteen. I don't care if you're on a crazy space ship, you shoot fire, you have a tail, whatever.
[he follows, his hands stuffed in his pockets.]
[he rolls his eyes. duh, noi.]
But I probably won't use it then either. Like I'm not supposed to, you know? So if I like, get pissed off at work and set someone on fire, I'll probably get kicked out pretty fast. I mean it does kind of suck, but that's how life is sometimes. Not great.
But anyway, I don't remember an adult around burning everything. So I'm not sure if you are one or just a newcomer. Either way, has someone told you where you are?
[he considers this.]
Nope. I mean, I figure that if I was here, someone would know, because I'd be running around pursuing justice and all that kind of thing. I'm gonna be a cop when I grow up, even if my dad doesn't want me to. So I would definitely be policing around here.
[finally reaches the restaurants area and looks around for a place to eat] So you want to be a police? Why?
[he sits down at a nearby outside table.]
Well, there a lot of bad people in the world, and I want to show them that it's not okay to be a bad person.
[She sits as well, picking the menu to chose what to get. Nods softly] Yeah, that's a good objective.
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