So...did William die a virgin?

Apr 25, 2009 15:32

We're lucky in that we've gotten some very nice glimpses of Spike's past. However, there's still a lot that's just not established or left ambiguous in the show. In light of that, fanfic writers attempt to fill in the blanks when writing about his past.

I've seen a number of different theories about William's social class, education, family background and then still more theories about what Spike was like as an evil vampire (beyond what we've seen in flashbacks).

So, what's the fan-opinion here? Got your own theory? Things you deduced from the show? Other things you just made up? Maybe some conclusions you've come to based on Spike's character? Alternately, you could have no pet theory, which might make this poll a little boring for you. But, hey.

Feel free to fanwank in the comments. :)


poll, btvs

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