As promised, we're gearing up for a second round of the GBB. Sign-ups are starting in just about two weeks, guys, so get ready! \o/ Here's some information for you so you can start planning out what you want to write. :D
***Please note, there have been a few changes to the FAQ since Round 1. You'll want to take a look through these before Round 2 starts to be sure you have a clear idea of what will be expected of you for this challenge.
We hope you're all as excited as we are, and we'll see you back here on the 16th for sign-ups!
Gabriel Big Bang: General Requirements
For writers…
1. Stories must be a minimum length of 15,000 words. There is no maximum, but it must be a completed story at the time of posting.
2. Stories may be slash, gen, or het.
3. The central story element must focus on Gabriel or Richard Speight, Jr.
4. You may not post your story anywhere on the internet prior to your assigned posting date.
5. Your story should be posted (unlocked) on you own journal or website on your assigned posting date. A header and links should be posted to the community.
6. Stories must be beta read.
For artists…
1. Artwork must be a minimum of the following, depending on type of art: Manips, Artwork, Digital Artwork- 500x500px, or Vid- 1 min. You are required to create at least one piece of art from these options, but you may of course create more than that if desired. Icons, spacers, wallpapers, and fanmixes do not count toward your obligation, but are of course allowed in addition.
2. You will have the opportunity to claim a story to create artwork for on the date of artist claims. This is done on a first come/first serve basis. If the story you want has already been claimed, we encourage you to choose another instead.
3. You may not post your art or vid anywhere on the internet prior to your assigned posting date.
4. Your artwork should be posted (unlocked) on you own journal or website on your assigned posting date. The link should then be provided to your author to include on the header they submit to the community.
Gabriel Big Bang: Schedule
Sign-ups begin: September 16th
Writer sign-ups end: October 31st
First check-in: December 9th
Second check-in/post a snippet: January 6th
Rough drafts and summaries due: January 31st
Art sign-ups end: January 31st
Art claims: February 3rd
Art drafts due: March 2nd
Posting begins on: March 12th
Gabriel Big Bang: Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I make art as well as do a story?
Not at this time. However, you will be able to sign up to be an artist pinch-hitter after artist claims are over. Also, since art sign ups close the day that rough drafts are due, you can sign up to be an artist if you don't get your story completed.
2. What about the support people? Can I sign up to do both a story or art and be a beta?
This is definitely okay, but you aren't allowed to be the beta for your own story.
3. If I finish it, can I submit a WIP I've been posting in my journal?
No. No part of your story may be posted anywhere on the web prior to your assigned posting date. You may finish something you've been working on and only sharing with alpha/beta readers.
4. Can I submit a sequel to a story I've already posted?
Yes, so long as the new story can stand completely on it's own.
5. Is RPF allowed?
Yes. This round, we've decided to include RPF. But just as an FPF story for this challenge must focus on Gabriel, and RPF story must focus on Richard Speight Jr.
6. Are crossovers allowed?
No. We apologize, but the only crossovers that will be allowed are Supernatural RPF crossovers.
6b. What about fusions?
Fusions are allowed, as long as characters from the universe you put the Supernatural/RPF characters into aren't included. For example, if you want to write a story wherein Sam is a superhero who flies around saving people and Gabriel is the starstruck reporter who can't get enough of him...that's fine, just so long as Jimmy Olsen isn't popping up with his camera. ;)
7. Can a story be an AU?
Yes, as long as the story still focuses on Gabriel as he's portrayed in Supernatural (Meaning you can't write a story about Gabriel from, say, Legion instead), or on Richard Speight Jr.
8. Can I write a pairing that does not include Gabriel (or Richard)?
Yes, so long as Gabriel (or Richard) is still the main focus of the story. A story where Gabriel works to get Lucifer and Michael to admit their everlasting love for each other, and finds redemption for his wrongdoings in the process, is okay. A story where Michel and Lucifer find each other again and fall in love, and Gabriel swoops in at the last minute to take the credit for it, is not.
9. Can I use original characters?
Yes, but remember that the story must focus on Gabriel (or Richard). (Are you sick of that phrase yet?)
10. Can an author turn in more than one story?
Yes. This round, we've decided to allow authors to write two stories if they so desire. However, both stories must be complete by the due-date.
11. Can writers collaborate on a story?
Absolutely, but please make sure you clarify in your sign-up if you'll be doing a collaboration.
12. Is there a word limit for the first draft?
No. So long as the story is complete (has a beginning, body, and definitive ending) and at least 15,000 words, there is no upper limit.
13. Can an artist do more than one piece of art?
An artist can do as many pieces of art for their assigned stories as they want to once the main piece is finished.
14. Is there a size limit on art?
No. As long as the art meets the minimum requirements and you can post it in your live journal or on your website, you're good.
15. Do fan mixes count as art?
No. You must do a piece of graphic art (original illustration, photo manip, etc.) or vid for your story. If the author has a fanmix or soundtrack picked out, you may do cover art for that in addition to your other art.
16. Can I post a soundtrack for my story?
Yes, definitely! However, any posted cover art must come from your artist, at least until the end of the big bang posting period.
17. Can I post art that I or someone other than my artist has done when I post my story?
No. Not before the end of the posting period. The point of this challenge is for the writer and the artist to collaborate.
18. Can I give my artist direction on the art?
We encourage discussion between artists and authors, but the final call on all art produced is ultimately up to the artist, just as the final call on all writing is up to the author. Authors may request things like icons or dividers that will make posting easier, but the artist is not required to provide these.
19. Can I turn my story in before January 31?
Please! Send an email with your story as an attached file (please, no stories should be submitted in the body of the e-mail!) to Please also remember to include your final title and the summary to be used for artist claims.
20. I’d rather f-lock my big bang story. Can I?
No. The point of this challenge is to share your stories. They must be posted unlocked and remain so.
21. Can I do a remix of another person's story if it hasn't been posted before, won't be a WIP, etc.?
No. This story needs to be unique to you.
22. What happens if I miss a deadline?
Unless otherwise stated, all deadlines are set in stone. As long as it's the correct date somewhere in the world, it will still count, but afterwards, you will be dropped from the exchange, no exceptions.
23. I'm not going to be able to complete my art in time. What do I do?
Please contact the mods the moment you realize you will have to withdraw from the exchange so that we can assign a pinch-hitter!
24. Am I required to use one of the alphas/betas from the sign-ups here?
No. If you have someone you already use to alpha or beta your stories, you are more than welcome to use them for this challenge as well.
25. Will betas be assigned to us if we don't have one of our own?
We will not be assigning betas. It is your responsibility to go through the "Alpha, Beta and Cheerleader sign-up post" and contact one of the betas that have volunteered. If you're feeling too shy/uncomfortable/lost, you may ask the mods to contact a beta on your behalf, but we strongly encourage you to contact them yourself, as only you know specifically what your story needs.
26. Will you be archiving the Big Bang submissions anywhere?
At the end of the challenge, there will be a Master List compiled of every entry, with links to both stories and artwork, but we will not be doing a separate archive.
If you have a question that hasn't been answered here, please comment to this post and we will answer as quickly as possible!