I have been neglecting my journal, alright I admit it but I've been busy at work & not inspired at all to write anything (it's always the same old stuff anyway!!) besides the only people who care about it are my online & offline friends (who aren't many); I'm also quite lazy (at least I admit it!! how many of you can say the same??!!), I have to
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Comments 7
congratulations!!! :)
aww, i know what you mean, there are lots of movies that i'd love to watch ("haven", "the bad's mother hand book" and "the last kiss", just to name a few) and here in argentina don't even come to dvd xP but i think 300 will come here :) so don't worry ;)
and everybody's a little lazy (me for example xD)
Que porqueria cuando nos quedamos con la ganas de ver una pelicula que acá no se estrena en cines y para colmo no la conseguís en los videoclubes, no? Es desesperante, yo me vuelvo loca buscandolas en dvd aunque sean importadas, el problema es que cuando veo los precios desorbitantes de algunas se me van las ganas de comprarlas xD. Que se le va a hacer, a donde nos podemos quejar en esos casos?!!?? para nosotras fanaticas de actores irresistibles como Gerry y Orlando es cuestión de vida o muerte, no? En fin, un abrazo grande y pronto me doy una vuelto por tu journal que estuve perdida totalmente!! Besos!
everyone has been saying 300 is a good movie. lots of sexual stuff in it, though. :/
Yeah, I also heard there're some hot scenes, for what I saw in some pics I used in icons involves Leonidas (aka sexy Gerry) & his wife Gorgo, that & some violent battle scenes got the movie rated as 'R' in US. And finally I read that here it will be released on March 29!! (I have to wait a few weeks though =P ) and in the US it got about 70 million dollars in the first weekend out in theatres!! So I think 300 is one of those 'movies of the year that you must see' =D (good for Gerry!!)
lol!!! :P would that there weren't. i think i'll wait for it to come out in DVD. we have a ClearPlay that takes out the sex scenes and such. and it's really cool cause it does it in such a way that it doesn't even look or feel as if we missed a scene. ^_^
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