NOoOoOOOo man!

Jun 06, 2004 19:53

today was TOTALLY crappy!!!!... i didnt do ish today... stayed home... went to church, well i sat by the twins (mauie and pauie)... it wasnt a total crappy day, talked and laughed...not loud but yah it was funny... soo yah... mah freaking cell broke for some stupid reason...F@$KING SONY ERICSON.. SUCK MAH NUTS!!!!... ALL MAH NUMBERS!!!... damn dude ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

itagasabato June 6 2004, 22:48:30 UTC
I'm sooo sorry again lil bro!! If I had known you were at church I would've gotten you. =o(


itagasabato June 7 2004, 13:04:10 UTC
Hey, no worries. Diah sang hella good and then the after party was just kick back, whatevers. There wasn't that many drinks and we mostly just hung around and smelled each others feet and stuff. They're coming back down for Jannah's birthday, anyway! GET A NEW PHONE BY THEN!! LOL!!


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