someone please stop me from watching the L'Arc's GCC live of 'Shout at the Devil'. it's been days... and my sister is already making fun of me. how can you not stare at those wings.
speaking of which, i have a feeling that my sister thinks i'm irritated and tired of her. WHAT RUBBISH. is that what you truly think of me? am i such a terrible
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Comments 8
sister told me that if i die, she's going to sell all my mangas, dirt cheap, on livejournal
NOnonNONO! You're not gonna die! Who else would leave me 30 comments in a row? :( I like getting spam from you! it makes me feel speshal!
i hope i won't lol... but in the event of my death *touches wood*, i'm glad that my sister would be able to earn a bit of money... and that my stuff will be in the care of awesome people! 8D awww really? i'm glad that i make you feel special, because you so totally are! ^^
^^ I'm going to dye my black hair dark brown! :P xD
really??? fun!! XD
I think I love Hitam, hahaha. XD rabbit stories are the best! I bet he's plotting something really evil... even more evil plots than L'Arc comes up with... ZOMG. Oh, I can feel the pain already. XD
Awwww I love your rant about your sister <3 I wish my sister could *get an LJ AAAH* so I could start gushing about her give her self-confidence too.. she's got waay too little of that DDDD: Iihhh but she can't sell your stuff like really cheap! LIKE OMG TEH NOES THE L'ANNI AND THE DEATH BOX :O I've been thinking of doing a list like that too actually, haha... BUT YOU WON'T DIE SO NO NEED TO WORRY <3<3
OUR ICONS OWN. 8DDD I'm sure we'll achieve world domination SOON if we continue to progress like this! Oh the crack.. hahaha. <33<3 awesome.
hahaha it's so fluffy and cute (but evil) XD omg that could be true.... DDDD: *flails* MORE EVIL THAN L'ARC? now that's really something XDDD
awww my sister has an lj... that's never ever updated XD i'm sure your sister is made of awesomeness too<3 it's in my sister, to scare the living daylights out of me ^^ it's practically in her blood to do that. I KNOW! IT'S BAD ENOUGH THAT I'LL BE LOSING OUT... BUT I CAN'T LOSE OUT THAAAAT MUCH DDDDDDDDDDD: ooh really? great minds, filled with crack, think alike!! 8D I HOPE SO! <3<3
TOTALLY<3 (oh we're so shameless mwahahaha...) yes! we must! the world should be afraid.... be very afraid. i look forward to the day when the world will go on their knees, and beg us to stop. but we won't stop, will we? we just want to see that sight XDDDD WORLD DOMINATION, HERE WE COME!<3 oh the lovely, lovely crack<3<3
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