
Nov 17, 2007 21:00

Auditions? WTF? You mean applications, right? No, we mean auditions. There are two mods, and we, unfortunately, are not omnesicent and all-knowing of all fandoms. Sad, I know, but true. So what are mods to do? Auditions, of course.

'But Sarra!', you cry, 'How do I audition?!'. Fear not, little one, for it is simple. Just fill out the handy dandy form (found under the cut) that you all probably know and love and post it on this entry as a comment (or two, or three, depending on how long winded you are), and the audition will begin. The mods and players alike then will respond in comment form as a character, and you should respond back ICly. Call it a trial by fire. Or comment rape.

Sounds rough, I know. But for anyone worth their salt, it should be a piece of cake and maybe install some dedication. And everyone else. Well. Try again, yeah?

.player info.

.prior experience.
.contact information.


.character info.

.history (include alterations to canon, remember - this isn't Konoha, this isn't Middle Earth. This is, y'know, Suburbia. Keep the orphans and angst to a minimum. Realism is fine, but the first person who tries to pass off 'OMG MY MOMMIE AND DADDIE RAEPED AND BEAT ME AND MY BROTHER HAETS ME AND I RAN AWAY FROM HOME AND GOT ADDICTED TO DRUGS AND RAPED SOME MORE AND OH NOW I'M CLEAN BUT LIVING IN A GUTTER AND CRAWLINNGGGGGG IN MY SKIINNNNNNNNN' as a perfectly legitimate past? Will be hit with a pineapple. )

audition, mod work

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