Jun 18, 2003 11:28
Who are you?
No one of consequence.
I must know!
Get used to disappointment.
Why do you wear a mask? Do you have scars?
It's just that they are very comfortable. I'm sure everyone will be wearing one soon.
Jun 18, 2003 11:01
(singing) I wear gray and black with blue jeans on the outside,
because gray and black with blue jeans is how I feeeeeel, on the inside.
I'm so goth it hurts. Angsty angsting away, all the live-long day.
Jun 17, 2003 19:51
I like to talk good english. I don't use no internet slang. I's educated, I is!
The internet is a weird and wonderful place. Too bad there's so much crap to wade through, before you get to the wonderful bits!
Jun 16, 2003 22:47
Why does a dog lick his balls?
(everybody....) Because he can.
Of course. This is for fun. I'm doing it....
...because I can.