kookaburras?! those bells are from Russia

Feb 18, 2008 18:40

Oooooh midnights start tonight. > 3 < Only 3 nights, though, as opposed to a week. This is good ( Read more... )

school plans, love, work, hair, move

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Comments 3

nordiclania February 19 2008, 00:23:21 UTC
Oh you're moving out? You've found your own place? :D Will you be living alone or with friends or something? :)
Good luck with that, and keep that hair growing. ;)


foenix_nebula February 19 2008, 12:28:15 UTC
Yuss'm. :3 the plan is heading back to school; a friend's aunt has a house in a central sort of position to the transit from which I could reach any of the 3 possible colleges :D I'll be there pretty much by myself, which will be a big change from the last 20 years in a house with anywhere between 4-6 family members living in it. And adapting to a city life instead of small-town. 'S gonna be an adventuuuure, Laniaaaas X3 I'm excited and a bit scared.


nordiclania February 19 2008, 20:16:56 UTC
Wow, I'm very happy for you! Yeah, it's a a big change, living on your own, but it's really great at the same time. :) So I hope you will enjoy it. :D


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