(no subject)

May 16, 2015 13:54

whatever the hell we want - a comment ficathon

A whatever-the-hell-we-want comment ficathon
[click on the picture]

[If you want to promote, there's the banner above + maybe other lovely banners in this thread.]

+ it's my birthday and elena gilbert is a character that happened.

RULES: shamelessly stolen from upupa-epops and slightly adapted.

1. all fandoms/ships/characters etc are fair game, but hit us with your best shot. that character everyone's always neglected, that AU no one's written yet and it should have been written years ago. that tiresome triangle that should have been resolved as a triad and never was. AUs encouraged. women encouraged. we want your heart's deepest desires, and also we want you to completely ignore all of this and prompt whatever the hell you want.
2. make a separate comment for each prompt. and don't be shy, prompt.
3. when you fill a prompt, please leave a comment here (link, title, warnings, prompt).
4. feedback is much appreciated, but you knew that already.
5. have fun!


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