Totally stolen from
mee_eep , and cut for length.
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Upon request, I will post a random line or two from any of these you choose. Assuming that the file adds up to a full line, that is.
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"Ah." An ex-boyfriend, then. It was remarkable how quickly young love could turn into hate. "In that case, I would suggest one of the more classic curses..."
He beamed at being in her regard, and smoothly poured two tiny bowls of sweet tea. The spicy, faintly honeyed scent drifted to his nostrils with the same elegance with which this court had favoured him all afternoon long, a custom he had left unacknowledged but well appreciated. Bowing, the creature offered the first drink to his mistress. She accepted it with a twist to her lip that suggested laughter and made her look like the teasing minx who'd formerly so knotted Inutaishi's tail, and her thane's eyes glittered. A nod, and he was suddenly offering Sesshoumaru the other cup, with almost exactly the same bow.
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