is appa gonna be Yunho? oO ... I just sae 'Jae-umma' and Yunho popped in my head *wonder why* At least this time Junhyung didn't have to go to the hospital =D
Lol! Jae-umma? Wouldn't they make a perfect mom and dad for Hyunseung? XD and yes, glad he's not hospitalized. I assume because Geu's a girl and even though she snaps a lot but she still has that soft and kind side in her. thank you babyy <3
I have to say "Poor Junhyung~" but darn I love seeing my bias get bullied or tortured like this lololols XD Ain't I weird? hahaha
Geurim x Junhyung scenes were so funny. Esp when Geu is being all 'schizoprenic' around Jun. And I love how Hyunseung's so oblivious about all these. Glad Geu accepted Jun too (tho I think Jun got his way easier with Geu than with Woon).
And woah, another wall to climb. I see YunJae coming bb (am I right?) :D
Anyways, thank you for this JunSeung bb. I love my 'brave idiot' and '4D prince' couple. All these JunSeung feels recently is driving my heart crazy. (Have you heard about the pinky promise Jun made with a fan regarding taking care of Hyunseung?) /sobs T__T
Jae-umma? That means the dad would be Yun-appa? OMG!!!! MY OTHER OTP!! Kekekekekeke~ I think getting Geu on Junhyung's side is easier than getting Dongwoon to accept Junseung. She insults and threatens but she never really hurt Junhyung physically even if she is capable of doing so. Huuhuuhuu~ Good luck Junhyung!
LOL~xD love this so freakin' much!!!! well Geurim is indeed scary because behind that sweet smile, there is a deathly threat, kekekeke but I'm glad that Junhyung didn't break any of his body part~ but oh boy~ junhyung, u still have to face their Appa which I'm sure wouldn't be easy but if there's Jae umma, maybe u will safe~ ^o^ yaay~ so are they Yunjae? ^^ and btw I really didn't expect u to write about Geurim and I'm so so so glad that u write it~ <33 and eemmmm, I wonder about the 3rd part of 'Part of Me' which is Junseung!!! when will you post it? *puppy eyes* and from my comment, u can see how much I love it right? so don't say it's fail!! ;)
hi baby! Laura, right? I've followed you back but we haven't talked in twitter XD guess we weren't online at the same time? hehe.
YunJae will be perfect right baby? XD
and...yeah, for the JunSeung part... I'm still working on it, I know I know, I'm sorry I've been neglecting it too much orz T_T I will try my best to finish that one, alright dear <3
aaahhhh thank you so much for commenting and even loving it T__T *huggles
hi baby! hehe yes, if you want to get Hyunseung, there are so many walls to climb. Geurim is only one of them. I can't stand NOT putting my OTP insideee, where there's Dongwoon then there must be Kikwang, period. Hehehe. thank youuu <3
Comments 29
At least this time Junhyung didn't have to go to the hospital =D
and yes, glad he's not hospitalized. I assume because Geu's a girl and even though she snaps a lot but she still has that soft and kind side in her.
thank you babyy <3
Geurim x Junhyung scenes were so funny. Esp when Geu is being all 'schizoprenic' around Jun. And I love how Hyunseung's so oblivious about all these. Glad Geu accepted Jun too (tho I think Jun got his way easier with Geu than with Woon).
And woah, another wall to climb. I see YunJae coming bb (am I right?) :D
Anyways, thank you for this JunSeung bb. I love my 'brave idiot' and '4D prince' couple. All these JunSeung feels recently is driving my heart crazy. (Have you heard about the pinky promise Jun made with a fan regarding taking care of Hyunseung?) /sobs T__T
I love you Misha! *HUGS <3
I got a bit difficulties picturing Geu since I don't know her that much, and yes since she's a girl she may take it better than Dongwoon. hehe.
and yeah, YUNJAEEE!! *waves flag. let's just hope I get an idea baby. cos I still have nothing for the next chapter. OTL.
believe me Lala, I love you more <333
okay, so now that Geu's starting to accept Junhyung that easily then maybe I should make Yunho even worse than Dongwoon? Oh I am so thrilled, kekeke.
thank you baby D <333
well Geurim is indeed scary because behind that sweet smile, there is a deathly threat, kekekeke
but I'm glad that Junhyung didn't break any of his body part~
but oh boy~ junhyung, u still have to face their Appa which I'm sure wouldn't be easy but if there's Jae umma, maybe u will safe~ ^o^ yaay~ so are they Yunjae? ^^
and btw I really didn't expect u to write about Geurim and I'm so so so glad that u write it~ <33
and eemmmm, I wonder about the 3rd part of 'Part of Me' which is Junseung!!! when will you post it? *puppy eyes*
and from my comment, u can see how much I love it right? so don't say it's fail!! ;)
YunJae will be perfect right baby? XD
and...yeah, for the JunSeung part... I'm still working on it, I know I know, I'm sorry I've been neglecting it too much orz T_T I will try my best to finish that one, alright dear <3
aaahhhh thank you so much for commenting and even loving it T__T *huggles
of course~ Yunjae is soooooooo perfect >< kekekeke
and about junseung's part, I'll keep waiting~ HWAITING UNNIE!!!! *hug*
Finally Kiwoon is together and i see u putting ur otp inside hunn~~ 8D /amnotcomplaining~ keke "Since i was six~" SOOOO SWEET!!!!
/spazz!!! Thanks for the update~
I can't stand NOT putting my OTP insideee, where there's Dongwoon then there must be Kikwang, period. Hehehe.
thank youuu <3
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