Welcome to the app post! Where you find out how to app and how we judge apps! And, it is also the place where you submit all applications and your reserves can be requested here as well!
First off, we're not so strict on apps that we decline every single one that is submitted. However, we do expect to see quality. Remember that saying, "Quality over quantity."? Yeah, that applies here as well. You may blab on as long as you want but that does not guarantee you an acceptance. And of course, we will be judging your characterization.
Second, reservations will not be replied to. It's first come, first serve. And, rightafter your reservation you have a week to submit the app. Other wise once your reservation is done and out, it's free game once again.
Third, have patience. Don't think you're going to get reserved in one day, okay? We have our lives and you have yours. Please respect that and we'll get on your app as soon as we can.
Fourth, we understand that coming up with jobs can be a bit hard! So we have gathered up a reference sheet together. Check it over
ANNND, that's it guys! Here's the application!
Contact: E-mail, instant messanger (AIM, MSN, ect) and ect information goes here.
Character Name:
Job: In Flower Bud Village, what's your characters job? Are they a farmer? Are they Policemen? Or are they in charge of the church? Choose at you will any realistic jobs, please.
Location: Do they live in Flower Bud Village or the Island?
Canon: Please, PLEASE, put enough history here that we can at least get the feeling you have know both the general back-drop for your characters canon and their personal history. And no, I will not accept c&p-ing wiki stuff. We will
know when you do this. Be creative! Make some jokes or whatever! History doesn't have to be straight flat and boring, you know. Make it fun for yourself! Also, plz to be going into your characters ~personality~ as well, because, honestly? There is a 50/50 chance that we won't know it ourselves.
Sample: Samples are a big pain to just about
everyone. So, due to deman we will allow linking to any previous threads you have done with this character before. If you haven't done anything? Then please write a sample entry in first-person for us to judge. If you don't have anything to go off us, we are willing to offer prompts.
Go go!