OMG, yes, it DOES. Once you've smelled the real thing, you won't forget it. It's rich and woody and DEEP in a profound way; I can well see why people feel it's rather "spiritual".
So I know that, according to every resource I've found online, 5ml = 1 teaspoon.
But obviously that's counter-intuitive. If I tried to pour a 5ml of BPAL into a teaspoon, the bottle would still be pretty full once the teaspoon filled up.
Teaspoons and Imp VialsflameelfApril 3 2008, 20:50:44 UTC
...And you know, I've meant to actually TEST OUT this notion with carrier oil, an empty 5 ml bottle, and an accurate lab-grade measuring spoon, because it's always seemed too odd to me, too.
I promise I'll do it soon and report back, but I think that MIGHT be part of the reason that back when BPAL used to hand-pour (and not measure) 5 ml bottles, people could get up to SEVEN imps out of a bottle. HOWEVER, there is yet ANOTHER item in that 'controversy':
I've always presumed the sample vials BPAL uses are 1 ml. I was making an order from Eden Botanicals yesterday, and THEY published that the sample vials they sell (which are bigger than BPALs and everyone's always told me the Eden Botanicals vials are "1.5 mls"): "These glass sample vials are 8 mm by 45 mm. (They are larger than the more common vials that are only 8 mm x 35 mm.) They come with a plastic applicator top, and hold approximately 1 ml." [See Eden Botanicals' PDF of their current Price List and look at the last page. That's where the quote is from
( ... )
Re: Teaspoons and Imp Vialsdpoulsen21April 3 2008, 21:41:29 UTC
I usually get about 6.5 or 7 vials out of a 5ml, and I use the same sized vials as the lab does. (At least I assume that, given they seem to be the exact same height & diameter.) I bought 1/32 oz samples, which comes out to .92 ml or something like that if I remember correctly. If that's the case, then I should be getting almost 5.5 vials from a 5ml when I decant. I don't know. I've always assumed the lab's 5ml was really more than 5ml. And then I smile and am happy when I have more oil than I thought. But the old cobalt bottles seem to hold less oil to me than the new amber bottles. But I'm not sure that's not a consistency issue - a lot of oil I have in cobalt bottles is aged for quite a few years and thicker. Which brings up another question - how does the density of the oil affect the equation
( ... )
Re: Teaspoons and Imp VialsedenssixthdayApril 3 2008, 21:55:50 UTC
I also usually get 6.5 vials minimum out of a 5 ml bottle from BPAL. I'm positive the Lab puts more than 5 ml of oil in their bottles.
However, the last time I decanted, I was lucky to get six full decants. So something is changing, and it's not the vials I'm using! I use the 1/32 oz vials - and you're right, they are +/- 0.9 ml whereas the 1/5 dram vials are only +/- 0.725 ml, which could ultimately affect how many decants you get from one bottle.
I'm kind of wondering why the bottles from my last decant group seemed to have less oil in them than they had previously.
When I got my decant of Ded Moroz from shelldoo, I did the math and figured out that each drop was worth approximately $1 based on what she paid for it on eBay. That was some freaking expensive stuff! (and it smelled so amazing that I'd gladly pay $1 a drop again for it!!!) I am surprised to find out that 5 ml = 1 tsp. I thought it would be at least 1 tbsp. Wow. No matter what brand I'm buying, that's a lot of money for not much liquid.
I'm back again. I'm not trying to stalk your post. I'm just really curious about it!
I measured a 1/32 oz vial once and I got 33 drops in it while still being able to seal it as full as possible without leakage. Yet you're only getting 19 or so in a 1 ml vial. I'm wondering what the difference is in the droppers we used. When I did my drop-testing, I was using a pipette. I'm wondering if I used a glass dropper of a different size, if my drops would be different sizes?
I'm not really posing a question for you. I'm just thinking out loud here trying to figure out how I got 33 drops in a 0.9 vial and you only got 19 in a 1 ml vial. I'm confuzzled!!!
I didn't physically do the drops; that's a standard of drops per mls/ounces/whatever you'll find all over the place.
Droppers and pipettes vary widely, which is why I was using the 'standards'. I want to be as close as possible to what's what and use standards rather than human trial and error wherever possible.
"these figures are approximate, since the size of the "drop" varies depending on, among other things, the viscosity of the liquid and the diameter of the dropper opening -- all drops are not created equal.
Comments 18
MAN, that oudh is probably going to smell awesome. :D
Grey ;)
Grey :)
So I know that, according to every resource I've found online, 5ml = 1 teaspoon.
But obviously that's counter-intuitive. If I tried to pour a 5ml of BPAL into a teaspoon, the bottle would still be pretty full once the teaspoon filled up.
I promise I'll do it soon and report back, but I think that MIGHT be part of the reason that back when BPAL used to hand-pour (and not measure) 5 ml bottles, people could get up to SEVEN imps out of a bottle. HOWEVER, there is yet ANOTHER item in that 'controversy':
I've always presumed the sample vials BPAL uses are 1 ml. I was making an order from Eden Botanicals yesterday, and THEY published that the sample vials they sell (which are bigger than BPALs and everyone's always told me the Eden Botanicals vials are "1.5 mls"): "These glass sample vials are 8 mm by 45 mm. (They are larger than the more common vials that are only 8 mm x 35 mm.) They come with a plastic applicator top, and hold approximately 1 ml." [See Eden Botanicals' PDF of their current Price List and look at the last page. That's where the quote is from ( ... )
However, the last time I decanted, I was lucky to get six full decants. So something is changing, and it's not the vials I'm using! I use the 1/32 oz vials - and you're right, they are +/- 0.9 ml whereas the 1/5 dram vials are only +/- 0.725 ml, which could ultimately affect how many decants you get from one bottle.
I'm kind of wondering why the bottles from my last decant group seemed to have less oil in them than they had previously.
I came across the 5 ml = 1 tsp. at the time Shelldoo won the Ded Moroz, which made her costs for that 5 ml all the more astounding.
...For only a teaspoonful. Wow.
Can you email or post the link to your review of Ded Moroz in your LJ? I meant to 'memory' it and didn't, and now I need it.
Grey :)
I measured a 1/32 oz vial once and I got 33 drops in it while still being able to seal it as full as possible without leakage. Yet you're only getting 19 or so in a 1 ml vial. I'm wondering what the difference is in the droppers we used. When I did my drop-testing, I was using a pipette. I'm wondering if I used a glass dropper of a different size, if my drops would be different sizes?
I'm not really posing a question for you. I'm just thinking out loud here trying to figure out how I got 33 drops in a 0.9 vial and you only got 19 in a 1 ml vial. I'm confuzzled!!!
Droppers and pipettes vary widely, which is why I was using the 'standards'. I want to be as close as possible to what's what and use standards rather than human trial and error wherever possible.
Note down under 'Conversions':
"these figures are approximate, since the size of the "drop" varies depending on, among other things, the viscosity of the liquid and the diameter of the dropper opening -- all drops are not created equal.
300 drops = 1 tbs. = 15 ml.
100 drops = 1 tsp. = 5 ml.
25 drops = .25 tsp. = 1.25 ml.
20 drops = .20 tsp. = 1 ml."
And then he/she discusses the variables.
Grey :)
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