doctor who 6x08 omggg.

Aug 28, 2011 15:33

I knew they weren't going to kill Hitler.

Omfg the deal with Mel. At first I was like, "Er, is this Moffe setting up some sort of new companion by CONVENIENTLY making her bff with the previous two companions?" and thinking she was a bit extreme and unsure whether I'd be into this sort of character but but but it actually makes sense that she's basically the crazy id version of River who basically just wanted to spend some time with her parents by SPENDING THEIR LIVES TOGETHER. Shit is whack [/summation of Moffat!DW]

But then she regenerated and it was psychokiller!River-before-she's-River and whoah. As camp as Alex Kingston gets, the characterization actually made sense in context and was rather fun to watch.

And Amy/Rory omgggg. Their poor confused existence just got a lot more confusing. ;__; Amy thinking Rory was gay ;___; Rory punching Hitler OF COURSE.

Typical extreme epic from Moffe - Doctor dies, River kills Doctor, River brings Doctor back to life and sacrifices her regenerations for it.

Rory, amazingly enough, does not die.

What made me tear up was River/Melody having the TARDIS teach her how to fly her. ;____________; DAUGHTER OF TARDIS OMFG. Amy/Rory/TARDIS ot3.

So I read on Tumblr some people were unhappy with this episode but am unsure whether this is just normal tumblr bullshit or fandom's actual opinion. Did see somebody say "unhappy about River regenerating into a black girl". NICE RACISM THERE, TUMBLR PERSON. Words on tumblr are typically such fail. Better stick to gifs.

If I had to critique this business; was it really necessary to make a boner reference when River brushes up against the Doctor? Side-eying you right now, Moffe. (On the other hand, this is the guy who wrote Coupling so this sort of thing is to be expected. He is essentially writing Who!fanfic. Of course his OFC is sexy, time-line breaking & magical. ;D) One thing that I am mildly worried about is keeping the characters in character through all this wild plot bullshit but Moffe's typically got a good handle on that, so..

What else, hmm. Okay, people, I have to say, it's not that super-confusing. River Song was born as Melody Pond, brainwashed to be the weapon The Silence uses against the Doctor, only the Doctor meets her and she grows fond of him (beginnings seen in this episode) and they fall in love and all this beautiful business but unfortunately meet at weird points in the timeline and it's a bit awkward and I guess she's the one to kill him. She might actually kill him early in HER timeline, but at the end of his (obviously), thus before she actually, I don't know, likes him and stuff. I mean, later on she fights against her own makers (the Silence) with him but it doesn't really negate the fact she kills him.

I mean, that's my take on it, anyway. If you begin to map it out, it's not as mindfucky as it first appears.

Anyway, now I want fic of Mel!River living with her parents and watching them fall in love but the Who fandom is a scary big place..

Best line? "I danced with everyone at the wedding. The women were brilliant, the men ..a bit shy."

tv: doctor who

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