
Oct 11, 2006 22:46

Tommorow I have to teach a 6 minute rote song in front of my class. Granted, it's only like 10 people but I'm still really nervous:( Then I have to conduct a melody for conducting, and Friday I have to teach a choral warmup for my other music ed class. Although I'm really excited about my music ed classes, I feel like I'm constantly on edge. I'm ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

leftmethere October 12 2006, 06:07:13 UTC
I think I know what you mean, but if someone managed to find the answer as to how to overcome that/deal with that, they forgot to tell the rest of the world.

The moral of the story is that it sucks to get out of our comfort zone. And while we have to learn that we aren't the best at everything and anything, we get to be paranoid, worried, scared shitless, nauseated, nervous and worried.

Deep breaths, cherie. You're stronger than you realise and braver than you think.


doctor_aweslome October 12 2006, 12:45:46 UTC
Remember that you are still in college and that the point of all of this is to learn how to be confident in front of a group and to teach you how to do these things! If they expect you to know all of this already then what is the point? I'm sure you aren't alone in your sentiment and the best way for you to get ready for this is to make sure you are prepared. And don't worry, the worst thing you can do is think about it and psych yourself out. You're going to be fine, you always are!

P.S. I miss you.


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