SPN FIC - Therapy

Jun 29, 2008 09:42

Rolling merrily along!  Time for Asylum.

Whether Ellicott is actually any good at what he does, Sam has no idea; either way, he can’t solve this situation.  He can’t unravel Dean.

Characters:  Sam and Dr. Ellicott
Genre:  Gen
Rating:  G
Spoilers:  Asylum
Length:  951 words

By Carol Davis

“This brother you’re roadtripping with - how do you feel about ( Read more... )

sam, season 1, rewind project

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lomer June 29 2008, 18:33:16 UTC
Sam's right. Dean would feel betrayed if he knew Sam talked about him to the doctor. Sam's opinion means TOO much to Dean, and I'm sure the idea of Sam telling a stranger what's "wrong" with Dean, would really hurt him. Afterall, Dean survives a lot by pretending to have no weaknesses.

How the heck did you write a Sam pov piece and I'm over here analyizing Dean? *g*

Anyway, great story.


ficwriter1966 July 1 2008, 23:38:53 UTC
I think Sam's opinion means pretty much *everything* to Dean - even more than John's did, I suspect. And it's one of those situations where you can put up with your loved ones bitching and complaining about you - as long as it's directly *to* you. But if they belittle you to someone else...that's pretty much over the line.

I'm glad you liked the story - thanks for commenting.


a year and a half late, but who's counting? themonkeytwin February 8 2010, 21:55:22 UTC
Have been browsing, and enjoying the nostalgia of S1 with these. I was intrigued by these two comments, and didn't altogether agree with them. (Half and half, kind of.) I was going to reply (although it's probably long past the point when you're still thinking about this), when it became a monster post that I put on my lj instead. If you're interested, come on over and let me know what you think. Either way, continued thanks for all the lovely, thought-provoking fic :)


Re: a year and a half late, but who's counting? ficwriter1966 February 10 2010, 15:35:52 UTC
You're very welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that it prompted you into some thinky-thoughts. It's interesting to look back at S1 given what we know now, and see if it all holds together.


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