Title: It Takes Two to Tango (as well as to Waltz)
Author eoryndal
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: ChanKai
Warnings: It's a wonder no one was hurt in the making of this fic, look at these
graceful dancing babies.
Summary: Kai teaches at a dance studio. Chanyeol, a successful businessman but a terrible dancer, needs to learn how to waltz for an upcoming
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Comments 11
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(These priorities are v important u___u <3 )
Sadly I'm already in bed and had now way of taking notes about all the little things and favorite scenes in this little story!
Kai was absolutely adorable and I had a lot of fun with Sehun and Taemin teasing him.
The scene when Chanyeol danced them into the mirror was probably my favorite because it was so exciting and intimate & so much could've happened?!?! aaaah!
I also really liked how cute Kai was when he cuddled up with the puppies.
Such a cute story! A+!!! ♡
(next time I will take notes again orz)
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