Title: It Takes Two to Tango (as well as to Waltz)
Author eoryndal
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: ChanKai
Warnings: It's a wonder no one was hurt in the making of this fic, look at these
graceful dancing babies.
Summary: Kai teaches at a dance studio. Chanyeol, a successful businessman but a terrible dancer, needs to learn how to waltz for an upcoming
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Comments 11
also i laughed for like ten minutes at this line:
Taemin swoops down the hallway that moment like an oversized vampire bat feeding on Jongin's awkwardness in social situationsthis was so cute and delightful and i ( ... )
Jongin's legendary doodles make an appearance xD
As does Taemin in his only true form!
Jongin falling in love while dancing is also the reason why people should write all kinds of fics with Jongin and that ballet hyung from the Celebrity photoshoot u__u <3
But back to this fic - I really love how patient Jongin was with chanyeol and how very obviously lovestruck chanyeol was (well and Jongin too obviously). And that voice mail /screams/ thank you for this wonderful fic
Eep, thank you! Rereading this fic, I cringe at some of my sentences UGH but seeing the story receiving love despite its flaws makes me... less disappointed in myself ^^" Hello, low self-esteem, my old friend
Chanyeol almost let an "I love you" slip out in that voice mail~~~~ :D
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