Title: With the Noise of Falling Snow
Author eoryndal
Rating: pg
Pairing: ChanKai (KaiYeol?)
Warnings: I couldn't write them without touching very slightly on the issue of shadeism
because, you know.
I hope I'm not chasing anyone away with this but I'm aware of the importance of warnings in general so I figured I'd put that here. On top of that, I
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Comments 4
love this.
Your reactions are so cuteee~ xD
Who is your otp? You seem to like Chanyeol-ships or is it just a coincidence? ^^
I ship Suho around like UPS because bias. I can't help it.
My top OTPs really depend on the story but i have a weakness for LuMin, SuChen, Sekai (THE SEX), KaiYeol and KaiLay (HOT). (making a list is soooooo hard because i ship anything if the story is good hahah)
I'd like more ChenRis too but it's so rare!!
So cute :D And, yeah, I understand fully
Hehe, that's good ^^ Exo has soooo many funny and cute ships, they all deserve love, not only the popular ones.
Ahh~ ChenRis (Krischen? You know a ship is really rare when there's no consensus about the ship name yet xD), I'll see what I can do ^^ Sooner or later I'm going to write every Exo ship!
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