Title: A Place Where Lovers Meet
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character/s: John and Elizabeth
Prompt: #022 "Eternity"
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG?
Time Line: Umm, maybe a far season, but no spoilers.
John holds her close to his chest, wishing he could do more for her.
But he can't.
The only thing he can do is let her know that she's not going to die alone.
He's right there with her.
He tells her he loves her, a little too late, but it's better for her to die knowing than to die not knowing at all.
She returns his confession, with feverish kisses that break his heart rather than mend it.
Now all he can do is hope that wherever death may take them they can still be together...
Somewhere in Eternity.
Table can be found on my LJ -
A/N: Awww *sniff* Sorry if the Somewhere in Eternity thing confuses you guys. It's a short story I wrote once upon a very long time *snorts* where there's literally a place, where lovers meet, once they die, somewhere in eternity... -_- It's really corny, I know *hides away in her corny little world*
BTW: If there's any drabbles you guys have read that you'd like to see sequels of or elaborations (short piecies and such), go to
Ani(Me) and Krista's(Muse) Cookie Jar. You don't have to... totally optional *snorts*