Title: The Last Two Men [6/11]
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Word Count: 2567
Rating: R
Warnings: end-of-the-world, character deaths, zombie-vampires.
A/N: Inspired heavily by 'I Am Legend'. Thanks to
Babylon_pride for betaing.
Previous parts:
One ::
Two ::
Three ::
Four ::
FiveSummary: On the 13th of November 2010, the dead began to remain undead. Two years later,
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Comments 6
Bob stares in frozen alarm. "Maya," he says sternly: ready to tell off a corpse for scaring the hell out of them.
I really love Bob.
Well. He'll live on as the very most specialist first zombie convert of Maya. :D
This was a nice break from the intensity and tension of last chapter (not that this one wasn't...just in a different, reminiscently sad way) I wonder what'll happen to Mohinder in the hellish, more-in-the-future timeline. :) This chapter was amazing but I can't wait for the next! -cheers-
Yay for Maya and Bob zombies...that is so creepy and so very awesome (and sad)
Poor Bob, worrying about Elle even as he's turning...
The way you re-animated Maya was just the best...it's like every good zombie-reanimation scene from a movie...
Can't wait for the next chapter and possibly seeing Sylar's reaction to Mohinder leaving...
I like the parallel between Bob's concern for Elle and Mohinder's concern for Maya. No matter what there was a personal connection there so even with her becoming the living dead and all the horror that follows, there's still an emotional bond that Mohinder feels to Maya...a responsibility for doing this to her and to the world.
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