Nerd Alert!

Feb 28, 2008 10:48

Captain Random reporting for duty sir! *salutes ( Read more... )

ikkaku, hana kimi, saiunkoku monogatari, read a book, ikuta toma, trigun, cowboy bebop, bishies, inuyasha, samurai champloo, bleach

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Comments 29

paynesgrey February 28 2008, 16:43:17 UTC
Big mistake. Most of the stories I came across had everyone so out of character, I didn't even know what fandom I was reading from. Sues and Stus as far as the eyes can see! And some of the plots...*groan*

UGH. You have no idea. It's BAD. Have you ever been over to a place called truckstop_sushi. They've got some bad ones there, but it's all about the snark.


femmephantom February 28 2008, 18:42:33 UTC
I haven't been there, but I'll check it out, now.

And I'd always heard horror stories about the pitfalls of Inuyasha fanfic, but I always thought people were exaggerating.

I see now that they weren't.


trito_chan February 28 2008, 20:15:27 UTC
I saw ep 162 today too and I LOVED IT!!! When Uloqiora and Ichigo were fighting I was clunching my blanket like my life depended on it.
But the best part was the Shinigami Guide with Soi Fong pinning Ukitake on the tree and Kiyone taking pictures. When Soi Fong asked should she get his pants too I was a gonner. I had to watch that again! And again and again! I LOVE THE SHINIGAMI GUIDE!!!!


femmephantom February 28 2008, 20:22:55 UTC
The Shinigami Guide is all kinds of awesome. This week's was especially hilarious.


trito_chan February 28 2008, 20:38:55 UTC
I agree! All kinds of awesome! :D I really liked the one with Byakuya filling in for Rukia at the Shinigami Women Association meeting's. When Yachiru was all over him. Or when Byakuya told Renji he used Senbonzakura to cut his hair. :D :D


femmephantom February 28 2008, 20:43:33 UTC
Or when Byakuya told Renji he used Senbonzakura to cut his hair.


That is too priceless. I think I'll get online later and see how many I can find.


drmsr February 28 2008, 22:00:16 UTC
Ah ha ha XD oh I never get tired of seeing Toma thanks for posting these, I should re-watch Hana-Kimi -_- but school has been getting to me I swear I think they try to mess with us when it comes to applying for the new quarter. Anyways thanks for the Saiyuki fiction recommendation I need to read some good smut XD actually I think I came up across a three-some between Goyjo/Sanzo/Hakkai but not sure if it was because I kind of freaked out when I started reading it, it was to much for my innocent eyes ha ha XD who am I kidding I had class next so I couldn't finish it. I finally finished all three seasons but what's the title of the OVA because when I tried looking for it I only get the raw's and I'm not even sure if that's the one I'm supposed to be seeing >_> and do they finally get to India because I was totally disappointed when I saw Saiyuki Reload Gunlock and it was all about Hazel and Gato. I swear I’ll make it up to you for disappearing like that I kind of forgot about updating my lj page lol.


femmephantom February 29 2008, 07:16:07 UTC
You're welcome for the vids. And the recs. Always happy to share my joy with my fellow fangirls. ;)

I was a little weary of telling you about the fics, at first. Since I know how "proper" and "sheltered" you are. ;)

Bwa ha ha! I can't even say that with a straight face. And there's even a threesome in 2metaldog's BBE series - that's what she named it. I think it stands for Beautifuly Broken Evolution. But oh my god, the KINK! You'll love it, I promise.

You've finished all three seasons already!? Damn girl, I'm ashamed. I'm still working on season 1. But the name of the OVA is Saiyuki Requiem.

I'm not really sure if they ever make it to India, but I hope they do. I'm curious to see what it looks like in anime form. India is one of my favorite countries, and I'm fascinated with its culture.

And you don't have to make anything up to me. I just missed talkin' to ya. And Ii figured it was something like you getting bogged down with school, but at the same time I was hoping nothing bad happened.

Hope school is getting


drmsr February 29 2008, 07:46:34 UTC
*Since I know how "proper" and "sheltered" you are. ;)*

So true o_o *snickers* ha ha XD who are we kidding ah if my friends read that they be rolling on the floor right now lol

And thanks for the title it was driving me nuts *sight* but still O.o I can't believe your still in season 1 I for sure thought you've seen the OVA's by now ^^;. School been a real bitch right now but I guess is because everyone is trying to apply for new courses and they fill up quickly >_> still you should check out my memories I found a hilarious Saiyuki doujinshi with Tenpou and Kenren (Hakkai & Gojyo former incarnation) It was awesome it's not smut but it's full of crack XDD


femmephantom February 29 2008, 14:30:58 UTC
I can't believe your still in season 1 I for sure thought you've seen the OVA's by now ^^;.

Well, some of us actually have a life. ;) Nah, I've just been busy with work, and way sick. So I haven't really felt like watching anything at home. I'm almost done with the first season, though.

I'll be sure to check out your memories, ASAP.


kyoko_minamino February 28 2008, 22:20:16 UTC
Argh, I can't download Bleach 162 because of this POS laptop and no one had a decent version up on YT yet. And WTF GRIMMJOW SAVED ORIHIME FROM THE WHORECARS?? O_O I missed that part in the manga. *will go look later*

XD Seen the book vid before. It's hilarious, but sadly enough, it's 100% true. Seen the Bebop/Trigun vid and seen Gay Bar. They all rock.


femmephantom February 29 2008, 07:25:45 UTC
Yeah, he saves her from the whorecarrs. It's made of all kinds of awesome. Of course, it being Grimm and all, he has a totally asshole reason for doing so. XD

Glad I could entertain you with the vids.

And I watched the latest episode of Bleach at

EDIT: As for yhe book vid, the first time I saw it, it was on one of the library comms I belong to. I laughed sooo hard because everything in the song applied to over half of my patrons.

And the damn song gets stuck in your head.

I showed it to everyone in my deptartment pretty damn quick, and it's kind of an ongoing joke between us.


kyoko_minamino February 29 2008, 15:42:53 UTC
Oh, of course but still. Knowing he did it is one thing but SEEING him do it is just mindblowing. Him and that creepy smile of his.

Oh yeah: I'm a horrible, horrible person. XD I watched 162 last night (had to download the damn thing which took an hour) and when I came to the part where Orihime gets beat up, I laughed and said "OMG I've ALWAYS wanted to do that!" *is so going to hell*

My brother showed it to me and my Dad. All three of us quote it every once in a while when black people around us start showin' their asses. *sigh* It is so hard being black in this day and age. It really is.


femmephantom February 29 2008, 16:57:22 UTC
I love the creepy smile. Add in his maniacal laughter, and I'm one happy fagirl. :D

If you're a horrible person, then I'm a horrible person, because we essentially had the same reaction. Then again, I already know I'm the co-conductor on the bullet-train to hell, so I'll save you a window seat.

It is so hard being black in this day and age. It really is.

My deepest sympathies.


feait February 29 2008, 01:43:52 UTC
Love the live action Hana Kimi clip. Makatsu looks lovely in a bra & panties.

Who created the kickass Samurai Champloo & Bleach Gay bar amvs? They're brilliant! OMG! Gay Bar is hilarious.

As for Tainted Donuts, i love it!


femmephantom February 29 2008, 07:27:22 UTC
Glad you liked the vids. I adore Bleach gay bar. It gets taken off every so often, but someone else always manages to put it back up.


Is that a new Spike icon, and is it gankable?


feait February 29 2008, 12:43:12 UTC
Yes, that's a new Spike icon I created about 5 minutes before erading your post.

is it gankable?
I'd kinda like to keep this one for myself, but if you give me a link to a different Spike pic, I'll make a WANTED icon for you.


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