house fic: Five White Lies 2/15

Sep 10, 2005 13:08

Title: Five White Lies
Pairing/Characters: cameron, house/cameron
Words: 1406
Spoilers: Strangely, this sort of implies a second conversation after the one in the lab in 'Heavy'. There will be shades of 'Detox' and 'Fidelity' scattered about too.
Rating: Eventually NC-17
Summary: Pity is not in her nature because she’s been cursed by empathy. ( Read more... )

pairing: house/cameron

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Comments 31

chezsimon September 10 2005, 14:56:01 UTC
“And so they send the sacrificial virgin to her doom. How barbaric.”

*laughs* Excellent.

Do I need to reiterate what I think of your talents?


fated_addiction September 10 2005, 17:31:39 UTC
Sure. *grins* Go ahead.


chezsimon September 10 2005, 19:41:37 UTC
God. You are insatiable. It's one of the seven deadly sins, you know.


fated_addiction September 10 2005, 19:48:00 UTC
I'm trying to keep my day thematically correct. *grins* I think I've committed several of them today. *whistles*


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fated_addiction September 10 2005, 17:32:29 UTC
Well, hey! *smiles* I'm glad you're enjoying everything. Always nice to see new people.


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fated_addiction September 10 2005, 17:35:04 UTC
*nods* Originally, that moment didn't appear there. But then I wanted to do something different, subtle out of characterism I guess you call it. I'm so glad you're enjoying it.


katakombs September 10 2005, 17:32:50 UTC
“And so they send the sacrificial virgin to her doom. How barbaric.”
How apt.

Giving him the pills was very hott. And very creative, on both your parts. Yeah for StrongCam.


fated_addiction September 10 2005, 17:36:49 UTC
*laughs* Wasn't it?

Thanks, dude. I'm glad you're enjoying it.


katakombs September 10 2005, 17:42:38 UTC
Definitely enjoying it. And hoping that your reply means you're at the computer working on more.


fated_addiction September 10 2005, 18:29:26 UTC
I am. The muse is a slave driver, you know. *laughs*


idiotsublime September 10 2005, 18:00:05 UTC

I really enjoyed "The Darker Days of Me and Him" as well. It's crazy how in-character your House is.


fated_addiction September 10 2005, 18:30:54 UTC
Well, thank you! I'm very glad that you enjoyed everything. *smiles*


van_canucks September 10 2005, 19:37:08 UTC

that whole scene was really hot.


fated_addiction September 10 2005, 19:49:00 UTC
Thanks! XD


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