Poll Closed

Sep 17, 2010 12:06

We've closed the poll, and for anyone interested, the results are as follows:

Have you used the Fangirl_Tour's Del.icio.us Links within the past 12 months?

Yes: 11
No: 12
There are links?: 31

Obviously, if people didn't even know about the links, they weren't using them. In a less happy world, that would mean the links would languish without further updating. However, peyton07 has stepped forward and volunteered to take over maintaining the links, so for those of you who do use them, they should continue to be updated. Thank you, peyton07!

As a reminder, sign-ups for this round of the Tour will begin on Monday, September 20, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. US Central Time. Sign-ups will be on a first-come, first-served basis, but if at all possible, we'll work with you to get a date that'll be convenient for you.

If you miss signing up for this round, or if you miss the cut-off, there will be another round in April, 2011.

The schedule for this round of the Tour is:

September 20, 2010: sign-ups
October 1-30, 2010: posting by Tour members
October 31, 2010: wrap up post by mods

The Rules for the Tour are the same as last year and are pretty basic:

1. Use an LJ-cut to contain your recs. Thirteen recs makes for a longish post, and it's only polite to use a cut. If you're new to LJ, and you don't know how to code an LJ-cut, contact the mods, and we'll be happy to help you.

2. Don't link to flocked journal posts. Even if the most brilliant story or the most beautiful fanart ever created is in that flocked post, if we all can't see it, don't link to it.

3. Be nice. If someone recs something that makes you cringe, there's no need to comment to that effect. Different people enjoy different things for different reasons, and while there's a time and place for discussing the merits of a particular piece of fanfic or fanart, the Tour is not it. If someone violates this rule, please don't add to the situation by commenting further. Contact the mods, and we'll handle it.

4. No recs that contain graphic underage sexuality. In this case, underage means younger than 18.

That's all for the moment, but we do reserve the right to add a new rule or two if something comes up in the future. If so, we'll post any changes or additions.

Recommended Header:

Why I fangirl this:

Most of the things in the header are pretty self-explanatory, however "Status" refers to whether the fic is Complete or a WIP. While we'd like it if you'd use the header, no one is going to shriek in outrage if you don't or if you change it to suit a rec that's unique and doesn't fit the usual parameters.

That's all for the moment, but if anyone has any questions or suggestions, just let us know.

!rules, !rec header, !admin

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