Work in progress...

Nov 03, 2010 16:52

I haven't wrote in here yet, but I've been meaning to.  Things have been crazy over here.  But things have been crazy for everyone I'm sure.  It seems like lately the only thing that gets me by is writing.  I've been working on a Twilight story for a few months now, but haven't posted it yet.  Now it's over 200 pages in need to ( Read more... )

harry, jakeward, twilight, writing, draco

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Comments 3

mistressmarilyn November 4 2010, 03:09:42 UTC
Hey, I'm glad to see you're into 'Twilight.' I've been participating in a Twilight Last Author Standing community, so I've been writing a little bit of it. I'm also writing some drabbles. (Most of my stuff is currently housed at cullen_fanfic. Come and play!)

Love your icon, btw.


mistressmarilyn November 5 2010, 07:42:54 UTC
I'm posting this message into your LJ, because I can't tell if the links work in the message option. I couldn't see the links when I looked into my sent message ( ... )


fanfiction4diva November 5 2010, 07:48:45 UTC
I think I figured it out! Your a doll for writing me this late! Thank you! No, I'm not linking this to FB or Twitter.

Again, thank you hon! You're the coolest - :D


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