Outside the danger room, 7th period

Oct 11, 2006 08:27

It was Wednesday so Blair was outside of the danger room holding a sign. After talking to John yesterday and finding out about what he was planning to do this weekend, Blair had gone back to his first sign. Only with a few edits so it now read, 'Winchester = Murder'.

[ooc: As always, posted with permission. Also, Blair is sad that there's not a ( Read more... )

pippi longstocking, protesting, jim ellison, belthazor, peter pevensie, john winchester, dawn summers, james wilson, pete hutter, alanna trebond, dean winchester, river tam, blair sandburg, sam winchester

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Comments 228

demonbelthazor October 11 2006, 13:16:05 UTC
Bel raised an eyebrow at the sign. "Something I don't know about today's class that I should be worried about?" he said.


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 13:20:11 UTC
Blair eyed the door behind him and shrugged. "I don't have a clue what's going on inside there, man. But your teacher is going to go try and kill something this weekend. How horrible is that?"


demonbelthazor October 11 2006, 13:21:54 UTC
"As long as it's not me," Bel said, eyeing the door.


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 13:27:44 UTC
"Unless you've taken to shredding people in Nashville, I think you are safe." Blair nodded.


once_a_king October 11 2006, 13:28:11 UTC
Peter shook his head. "Seriously, Blair? That's far beyond appropriate."


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 13:30:50 UTC
"Drastic measures, man." Blair said. "Mr. Winchester is going to try and kill something this weekend."


once_a_king October 11 2006, 13:41:37 UTC
"First of all, insulting someone very rarely gets him to do what you want," Peter replied. "And secondly, he's acting to protect innocents which is admirable not curse-worthy."


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 13:45:32 UTC
"Please, he wouldn't do what I wanted even if I asked him nicely while giving him cookies and rubbing his feet." Blair said dryly.

"Nobody is innocent. Who's to say the people weren't attacking the non-human first?"


psychic_wonder October 11 2006, 13:49:28 UTC
Sam didn't want to argue with Blair this week, until he saw the latest sign. "Please tell me you're joking," he said sharply.


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 13:52:43 UTC
"Nope." Blair shook his head.


psychic_wonder October 11 2006, 13:56:43 UTC
"You really like the detention room, don't you? Because you know that's what my dad's going to do when he sees that sign - if he stays calm long enough, that is."


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 14:00:09 UTC
Blair suddenly realized that he hadn't written up that proposal for get out of detention free cards. Oops.

"If that's what happens, then fine. At least I'll be spending my weekend with a clear conscience."


moonbrain_tam October 11 2006, 14:50:45 UTC
River appeared, carrying a huge mass of tentacles covered with a blanket that wiggled and squealed. "Here," she said to Blair. "Berthold's here to help you."

The monster squealed miserably.


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 14:52:38 UTC
Blair winced at the squealing. "Um...River? Are you sure Berthold wants to help me?"


moonbrain_tam October 11 2006, 14:53:59 UTC
River nodded. "If you give him ice cream." She handed Blair an ice cream container. "I'm sure you can get him to hold the sign for you."


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 14:58:00 UTC
"I wonder why Berthold likes ice cream so much." Blair took the ice cream and thought about doing a series of tests to see which of the individual ingredients Berthold responded to.


dr_jwilsonmd October 11 2006, 15:00:47 UTC
Wilson had handwavey gotten notice about Blair and in particular the sign and while he tried to keep out of Blair's business in the realm of protesting...oy.

So, he'd left the clinic in the hands of the nurse for an hour, pager on in case he was needed and headed up to the school to see for himself.

When he saw Blair and the sign Wilson facepalm.

"Oh lord, Blair."


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 15:03:39 UTC
Blair was pretty sure that was not a good 'oh lord, Blair'. "Um...hi, man. What's up?"


dr_jwilsonmd October 11 2006, 15:12:16 UTC
Sliding his hand down his face, as if hoping to drag out the headache which had just cropped up right behind his eyes, Wilson set his hands on his hips and looked at Blair.

"Your number, depending upon who gets a good look at that sign. Blair, you can't go around calling a teacher a murderer. That's simply not fair."


lovechildblair October 11 2006, 15:17:27 UTC
"You know, Mr. Winchester and I have a good relationship. After hugging last week, I'm sure he's not going to kill me." Blair said and really hoped that was true.

"But it's true, man. He's going to try and kill stuff this weekend."


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