Sixth floor kitchen- Wednesday late morning and afternoon

Nov 23, 2011 09:00

Today seemed to be a busy day for a lot of things, but Annie hoped people would show up for today's cooking extravaganza for tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast. When she wasn't in class, Annie was here, getting things set up or trying something from a recipe book. Cooking was easy, right? You just put stuff together according to directions. Nothing hard ( Read more... )

annie edison, elphaba thropp, caroline forbes, topher brink, karla, quinn fabray, 6th floor, petra west, rilla blythe

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didntchewgrass November 23 2011, 17:33:56 UTC
Elphaba had arrived after the reserves meeting, mainly because she wanted to make sure there were pies and the like she could eat tomorrow. She carefully sort of segregated her ingredients and prep space, not to be unsocial, but just to be careful not to accidentally un-vegan her cooking.

She would, however, make an effort to be social. "I think we might be expecting far more people to be around this year for this harvest celebration, all things considered."


didntchewgrass November 24 2011, 03:46:09 UTC
"It tastes perfectly fine, I think," Elphaba said. "And in comparison, the pie barely tastes any different. At least, I think so."


glacial_witch November 24 2011, 00:05:13 UTC
"Looking that way," Karla agreed, up to her elbows in dough.

Okay, it was supposed to be dough. For the dinner rolls. But the consistency was something much closer to batter. Or perhaps machine oil.

"Between Portalocity and the Causeway, people will be lucky if they can leave and double-lucky if they can get back."

And triple lucky if they didn't vanish somewhere in between.


didntchewgrass November 24 2011, 00:12:32 UTC
"Exactly," Elphaba said. "And the last thing we need for tomorrow is for people to be extra upset because of missing out on this holiday. It will only make things go from bad to worse."

Ever the optimist, that Elphaba Thropp.


glacial_witch November 24 2011, 00:47:37 UTC
"Even if they weren't going to riot or something because of it, having it will be a chance for people to come together and eat something delicious--" which obviously it would be, because Karla was helping "--with their friends. A semblance of normality, even for those kids who are stuck here. You'd be surprised how much that helps."

It wasn't called comfort food for no reason.


didntchewgrass November 24 2011, 03:46:57 UTC
"I suppose so," Elphaba said. "Especially with this harvest feast, I think. I still don't know all the details about it, but it does seem rather... comforting. In places."


glacial_witch November 24 2011, 04:02:28 UTC
"I don't really understand all the details about their version, either," Karla agreed. "But a harvest feast is a harvest feast, you know?"

Thank the Darkness neither of knew of about America's special history with the Native population who had lived here first.

"Do you have something similar at home?"


didntchewgrass November 24 2011, 05:13:39 UTC
"To this? Only vaguely. Harvest festivals are a big deal to the farmers of Munchkinland, but we never really observed them. Father always said we were above that sort of basic celebration. No, he prefered his governor's balls," Elphaba said. "Which was oh so much better, if you asked him. They always happened near the festivals, of course."


glacial_witch November 24 2011, 09:22:15 UTC
Karla nodded. "Most of the aristos in Glacia thought the same way," she said. "But my mother always made sure we went to one or two village festivals each year. She said it was good to celebrate the land with the people who are closest to it."


didntchewgrass November 24 2011, 20:18:36 UTC
Elphaba just nodded. The whole 'interacting with your mother' thing was sadly not something she had experience with. "I think my father doesn't exactly hold the people in the greatest respect," she said, simply.


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