Adventures in Literature, Wednesday, Period Three [Class Thirteen]

Nov 25, 2009 10:32

"Please, like any of you want to be here," Drake greeted the class. "You're on the cusp of a long weekend, spent either at home with family lying to them about what goes on at this school and hoping grandpa's cranky comments about your cousin will start a food fight, or here staring at the mashed potatoes from the cafeteria and wondering if they're thinking about eating you. So, in short, King of the Bracelets: bracelet of power made by bad guy, good guys kill him, failure to punt human good guy into lava when the bracelet makes him power-hungry, centuries of war and badness, mini hero with the courage to destroy the bracelet, lots of cool fights, lots of falling down, lots of sexy elves, bracelet destroyed, yay! Only with a lot more words. Now for the rest of the class, we're going to watch some kick ass battle scenes and drool over the costumes. You can thank me with shiny Christmas presents next month."

[ooc: Sorry for the lack of actual classage. FLORAL EMERGENCY IN PROGRESS. KILL ME NOW.]


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