Heroing [Tuesday, Period 2, Class 12]

Apr 08, 2009 14:03

When Captain Hammer came to class today, he was just getting ready to boom his normal greeting to the class when, out of nowhere, a gremlin snuck up on him. (Which he'd never admit.) And bit him. (Which he would try to forget later.)

Don't worry. Class would still be handled.

"My name is Rainbow Brite!" she/he said...brightly. "And I'm from ( Read more... )


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Comments 131

Sign in [04/08] is_my_penis April 8 2009, 18:04:42 UTC


Re: Sign in [04/08] decoder_rings April 8 2009, 18:16:58 UTC
Hannibal King


Re: Sign in [04/08] peace_n_war April 8 2009, 18:19:37 UTC
Warren Peace


Re: Sign in [04/08] momslilassassin April 8 2009, 18:30:29 UTC
Ben Skywalker


Listen to the...lecture? [04/08] is_my_penis April 8 2009, 18:05:12 UTC
Or at least the exclamation point-happy little girl.


Re: Listen to the...lecture? [04/08] decoder_rings April 8 2009, 18:18:10 UTC
He was bruised and grumpy and pissed off but it'd been so worth getting up and coming to class just so he could see this.

Because, wow. Captain Hammer thought he was a girl. His own gremlin bite was seeming less and less bad by the minute.


Re: Listen to the...lecture? [04/08] peace_n_war April 8 2009, 18:21:18 UTC
This, Warren decided, staring at Captain Hammer with an eyebrow raised, was the best lecture ever.

And considering his last school and most of the classes around here, that really said something.


Re: Listen to the...lecture? [04/08] momslilassassin April 8 2009, 18:32:02 UTC
Ben had seen enough gremlin bites in the last few days to know not to laugh.

He snickered anyway. He'd gotten bit already, so it wasn't like karma would catch up with him.


COLOR!!! [04/08] is_my_penis April 8 2009, 18:05:48 UTC
...basically, you can color pictures, and just kind of chat. Today's a freebie.


Re: COLOR!!! [04/08] decoder_rings April 8 2009, 18:20:18 UTC
Hannibal could color. He had an artsy girlfriend. If he could do anything after a year of living with her, it was color.


Re: COLOR!!! [04/08] momslilassassin April 8 2009, 18:32:46 UTC
Ben was not really in a coloring mood, but he drew a picture of himself anyway. He, shockingly, was wearing black.

As usual.


Re: COLOR!!! [04/08] snarkyprincess April 8 2009, 18:36:54 UTC
Summer didn't mind coloring. She thought it was kind of fun, actually.


Talk to Rainbow Brite/Captain Hammer [04/08] is_my_penis April 8 2009, 18:06:28 UTC
She will totally change your drab and boring colors into FUN ONES.


Re: Talk to Rainbow Brite/Captain Hammer [04/08] peace_n_war April 8 2009, 18:24:00 UTC
Warren couldn't resist. He couldn't. He'd tried and tried and tried, but in the end, the need to be a smartass won.

"So," he said, approaching the teacher with the faintest of smirks on his lips, "in your opinion, what is the best color for, say, something like a hammer to be?"


Re: Talk to Rainbow Brite/Captain Hammer [04/08] is_my_penis April 8 2009, 21:17:30 UTC
"Oh, a hammer!" Rainbow Brite considered this carefully, widening her eyes hugely. "Well, blue would be good! Or pink. A hammer can be any color your imagination comes up with!"


Re: Talk to Rainbow Brite/Captain Hammer [04/08] peace_n_war April 8 2009, 21:23:48 UTC
"My imagination, hmm?" Oh, Warren was enjoying this. "Blue sounds good, sure. And pink. Blue with pink spots, maybe. What are your thoughts on plaid, or checkered?"


Talk to the TA [04/08] is_my_penis April 8 2009, 18:06:55 UTC
Who must be SO CONFUSED.


Re: Talk to the TA [04/08] fabulous_secret April 8 2009, 19:29:53 UTC
Adora was almost always confused this week. Perhaps Captain Hammer was trying to do some sort of dramatic art performance?

No matter, Adora was there for her peers.


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