Fail Fandom Anon Official Move Announcement

May 04, 2014 18:31

On July 5, 2014 Fail Fandom Anon will officially move to Dreamwidth. For the last four years the meme has found a welcoming home on LiveJournal. Due to the increasing extended technical outages of LiveJournal service and the unreliability of the LiveJournal platform we will be moving by choice -- before a LJ collapse forces a sudden relocation.

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Comments 359

anonymous May 5 2014, 18:27:59 UTC
I am so confused at the nonnies crying about how the meme will never be the same now. Is Dreamwidth so different aside from a few things like the colour scheme?

I just pray meme will survive people jumping ship. It's the ONLY place I even want to join in with anything fandom related these days.


anonymous May 5 2014, 20:16:09 UTC
- I have a paid account here, and I will not ever have a paid account on DW, so I lose the ability to track individual threads.
- I view everything on LJ in my style, the same one I've had for half a decade, one suited perfectly to my reading needs. It's a slightly modified site style; I don't see how it could be ported over to DW (and I'm not interested in the hassle of trying).
- I always meme logged it, never had any problems with ctsc or flatview. DW sometimes won't load the page all the way for me.
- no spoiler cuts on DW
- comment titles get truncated to (...) way too quickly on DW. Pages with a few massive threads become unreadable. TBH this and the lack of thread tracking are the dealbreakers for me.


anonymous May 6 2014, 03:59:26 UTC
The only thing I'll miss about LJ is not being able to vanity search myself for recs over on DW. (apparently you can only do that with a paid account?) Anyway, it's half dozen one way and six the other as far as I'm concerned. I don't post or read WIPs, so that's not a concern. Won't miss having to ctsc.


anonymous May 6 2014, 17:40:01 UTC
The only thing I'll miss about LJ is not being able to vanity search myself for recs over on DW.

Fortunately, if you're looking for mentions of yourself of on meme, dememe works well for that.


anonymous May 5 2014, 23:13:07 UTC
I can't think of a snappy thread title, I'm sorry meme.

Thanks for making the announcement. I can't say that I'm happy about the outcome--if I was, I'd be over on the DW post saying thanks--but I'm glad you guys made it. I understand the technical limitations part (though if anyone says anything about lj support in the next while I will not be answerable for my actions) and I's not a matter of technical, rational comparison. It's just LJ has been home for so long. I'm pretty ridiculously sad meme is moving.

Sorry you're getting wank, mods. You did as fair as you could.


missing posts? anonymous May 6 2014, 01:00:58 UTC
In the past week I only managed to log on once, long enough to see a bunch of new posts. I /thought/ it was the livejournal meme but it must have been on dreamwidth. OR WAS IT? Is LJ eating posts now? Surely someone would be talking about that in comments somewhere... unless the comments are disappearing too?! duh duh duh.

(Not trying to start wank. Just tired and possibly confused because painkillers.)


Re: missing posts? anonymous May 6 2014, 01:41:10 UTC
Do you remember if you logged into DW or LJ? Were threads green or blue?


Re: missing posts? anonymous May 6 2014, 02:03:31 UTC
I dunno, I thought they were blue! I'm not color-blind, really!

I know at one point I discovered that was working again and rejoiced. And then when I came here today I was shocked that the new posts were suddenly gone. Hmm.


Re: missing posts? anonymous May 6 2014, 02:19:00 UTC
nonny, just in case for some reason your painkillers caused you to not do this step, did you comment if you weren't logged in? Because for me just like most people, I have to ctsc to see recent comments on lj. But I'm not sure if you mean comments or actual posts. If it's posts I'm seeing them fine? Are you having the same thing happen on dw?

Good luck nonny. <3


Apology to the mods anonymous May 6 2014, 02:02:45 UTC
I was the OAA who got all OA about what was taking so long in thread that some other anon started with a song, and I'd like to apologize (and admit that I was talking out of my ass). This post clearly shows you did have stuff to hash out and polish, and I'm glad you took the time to do so. Thanks for doing what you do to keep the meme running smoothly.


Re: Apology to the mods anonymous May 6 2014, 17:45:07 UTC
I'm not a sunny but thanks, you are a class act.


Re: Apology to the mods sunnymodffa May 6 2014, 17:47:49 UTC
Thank you, nonnie.


anonymous May 8 2014, 00:22:48 UTC
I really fail to see what the big deal is. I personally won't be missing those anons who are choosing to flounce when the move is made (or now, whatever). I mean, I really won't miss the captchas, which is the only difference (aside from the cosmetic) that I can think of between DW and LJ. Thanks to the mods for being pretty classy about everything. Unfortunately I'll be around a lot less for the next while because... after four months of unemployment and suicidal depression, I got basically my dream job! And will be working full-time. Yay :D Sorry, I just had to take the opportunity to kvell a bit.

Relatedly- is there a personal post at DW I should be using, or should I continue with the existing one? And apologies if this question has already been answered elsewhere.


anonymous May 8 2014, 00:35:06 UTC
This is the personal post at DW:


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