Second Lesson

Oct 25, 2005 07:32

*walks into classroom at five seconds to 1 pm, throwing satchel down on desk*

*scans room and scowls a bit*

Right. Who wants to start?

((OOC Note: You can make your "presentation" in here or your own journal. I probably won't get around to "grading" until Wednesday evening, so take your time. Good luck! ))

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Comments 26

weepy_ravenclaw October 25 2005, 19:21:06 UTC

*approaches the front of the room with supplies*

*holds up her wand*


wand lightsA simple word and a bit of magical power can light a witch or wizard’s way in the dark. Muggles, of course, have no such luxury. If they are caught in darkness, they use one of these ( ... )


exweatherby October 25 2005, 22:54:31 UTC
*finishes jotting down notes*

Excellent work, Miss Chang. Next?


weepy_ravenclaw October 26 2005, 01:18:18 UTC
*smiles, nods, and takes her seat*


athenathecat October 25 2005, 20:20:57 UTC
*takes seat*
*sits back to watch presentations*


exweatherby October 25 2005, 22:53:47 UTC

*recovers and nods* Professor. Good to have the backup see you.


royallyflushed October 26 2005, 00:28:24 UTC
*Dean marches in, old-fashioned telephone in hand, and slams it down on the desk in front of Percy.*

We wish to present the Muggle telephone.

*Dean picks up the receiver and punches in numbers (and pound signs) randomly.*

*Phone fails to ring.*

Good sirrah! We demand an audience with your finest bar wench! Our name is Seymour Butts.

*Dean hangs up.*

Come, Patsy! Oh, and bring that with you. We're quite sure Professor Weasley doesn't want that on his desk.

*Patsy picks up the phone, feigns throwing it at Dean, and clops off angrily as Dean takes his seat.*


exweatherby October 26 2005, 00:29:43 UTC

See me after class to arrange your detention, Mr. Thomas.


femaleofspecies October 26 2005, 00:48:49 UTC
*stands* *holds up print advertThis is a muggle print advert. Muggle print adverts are quite boring compared to our ads. Because models in muggle adverts do not move can only show a consumer a portion of the clothing they are selling. This can pose a problem, because how can you capture a Muggles attention and sell them clothing ( ... )


exweatherby October 26 2005, 00:56:15 UTC
*examines advertisement a second longer than strictly necessary*

Intriguing choice of topic, Miss Parkinson. Thank you.


femaleofspecies October 26 2005, 00:59:19 UTC

My pleasure Professor.


soveryclever October 26 2005, 01:10:27 UTC
*Stands up and runs walks to the front ( ... )


exweatherby October 26 2005, 01:15:20 UTC
*small smile* Well done, Miss Granger.


soveryclever October 26 2005, 01:17:18 UTC
*Looks highly pleased.*

Thank you, Professor!


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