1. Be polite to one another! We don't expect everyone in the game to be best friends with each other, but please, try to resolve conflicts as peacefully as possible. If you have a problem with another player, please talk to them about it-or, if that fails, talk to a mod about it and we will do everything we can to try and resolve the problem. If someone is actively harassing you OOC, please contact a mod as quickly as possible. We want this game to be a fun, safe environment for our players, and while we understand that drama does happen, we would like to solve it before it gets out of control.
2. No godmoding/metagaming/powergaming. This rule is an offshoot of rule 1. Do not try to control the actions of another player, have your character know things that they would have no reason to know, or make your character completely unbeatable. For example, someone who is godmoding (and powergaming) might write up a tag that says "Sephiroth spat out the most powerful Flamethrower ever and instantly burned Batman to a crisp." A better way of writing the same tag would be "Sephiroth aimed a powerful Flamethrower at Batman." The first tag states that Batman has no way of avoiding Sephiroth's attack and causes him to be instantly killed by it, while the second tag leaves room for Batman to dodge the attack and does not imply that it would be immediately fatal if he were hit by the attack.
3. IC actions = IC consequences; however, IC=/=OOC. There are some perfectly nice people out there who play characters who are huge jerks. The fact that they are playing a mean person does not mean that they are mean OOC, and the fact that their character just called yours a long list of insulting names does not mean that the player hates you or your character, because they are not their character. However, if you are playing a character who is a huge jerk, please do not expect other characters to let them get away with being a huge jerk. If your character starts attacking another character for no good reason in the middle of the town, it's likely that people will probably want your character arrested.
4. Keep the main comm worksafe. We don't care what you do in your personal journals, but we request that you keep any sexual content and graphic violence off the main comm, because we are trying to match the approximate tone of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers games. We allow some leeway in this regard-for example, some blood and swearing are fine, and the Explorers games are notable for having some very dark content without containing any graphic violence.
5. You may only apply for five characters. If you wish to play multiple characters, please make sure that you have the time and willingness to keep up with them. One player may play multiple characters from one fandom provided they would not have much reason to interact. For example, one player could play both Izuru Kira and Grimmjow Jeagerjaques from Bleach because those characters have no canon interaction and would not have any reason to interact; however, using the same fandom as an example, one could not play both Zaraki Kenpachi and Abarai Renji, because Renji is Kenpachi's former subordinate and, thus, they would have reason to interact.
6. Be active. Activity checks will be held every month, and will require a maximum of four threads of any length that have a combined total of fifteen comments. If you find yourself consistently struggling to make this goal, you may want to cut back. Furthermore, please do not fill up your character slots and rotate them out for new ones frequently.
7. Run big player plots past mods before starting them off. We will have plenty of free time for players to run their own plots, and we highly encourage them to do so! However, we do intend for this game to be rather plotty, so it's necessary to bring any long-running, gamewide player plots to us so we can make sure it won't conflict with a main plot event or another player plot. Any suggestions related to plots or worldbuilding should be taken to the
suggestions post.