Not Intended: Life and Marriage 11

Apr 12, 2015 01:26

Chapter 11
Ready Set
A/n: sorry for typosesss

Baekhyun had never seen Chanyeol in a suit, at least, not often. On business trips, he’d pack a few formal outfits, but at home, the giant usually wore plain clothing and preferred to be nude under the sheets where clothes weren’t needed in his opinion.

As he watched the giant comb his hair perfectly, Baekhyun swung his legs off the edge of the bed. “So, who’ll you be meeting today?”

“Several people,” Chanyeol said, putting the comb on a nearby surface while trying to fix his tie just right. “Most of them are from the research departments of multiple therapy agencies.”

Having been commissioned to create better, more versatile prosthetic limbs, Chanyeol had been innovating and testing model after model for weeks with the help of his tiny fiance’s input on design and calculations. Baekhyun was just as excited for the product as he was for the meeting, never having made anything in the industry of technology despite his family background.

Smiling wider than before, Baekhyun put his hands up in the air, revealing his innie button. “Put your hands to the sky, you giant tart! This is exciting! I hope they like it.”

“I’ll sell the presentation. Don’t worry about that. Who can resist my charm?”

“I can.”

Baekhyun laughed at himself and Chanyeol tried to bite his tongue down, but he couldn’t resist the urge to make a cheeky remark. “The sore spot between your legs would beg to differ.”

“It’s not--” Reaching back, Baekhyun took a pillow and launched it. He was aiming for Chanyeol’s head, but it hit the giant’s back instead. “It’s not thatsore.”

“You said it was just forty minutes ago,” Chanyeol said, picking up the pillow off the ground and tossing it back. “Were you lying about your body's condition just to flatter me?”

Snorting, Baekhyun caught it and hugged it in his arms. “I don’t flatter you. I humor.” He paused for a moment and then clicked his tongue. “Oh! Right, so what do I do when we get there?”

“I don’t know,” Chanyeol answered truthfully. “You’re not dressed to meet any of the executives, but they should already know who you are. After all, after intensively looking in your family’s company and compared it to mine, they did choose us over you. They, at least, have some familiarity with your side.”

“That’s mean of you to even mention,” Baekhyun muttered, looking down at the floor. Then he said, “I guess I could take a tour of your building.”

“Great idea,” Chanyeol said passively. He looked into the mirror again. “I’ll have one of the building tour guides to show you around. I have to, unfortunately, say you’re not allowed into the development department.”

“Worried I’m going to steal data?”

It was a stupid notion since Baekhyun would never do something as stupid (and obvious) as that, but it was a protocol. Besides, it wasn’t like the Byuns needed anything with Baekhyun as their genius son, despite how the brunet refused to become intensively involved in the industry. He was more concerned with his dog and morning dips than microchips and contracts.

Snorting, Chanyeol finished with satisfaction and finally turned to face Baekhyun who made an exaggerated face of pleasure as his way of letting the giant know of his approval. For a second, he wanted to walk over and flick him on the head for being so stupid.

“No, but it’s not appropriate and you’re not authorized.” Then Chanyeol reached down, fixing the gray and navy blue striped cardigan on his fiance’s shoulders. “If it makes you feel any better, we have a playroom for children. Sometimes we allow field trips from local schools, but you can make use of it. If you’re feeling more like an adult, there’s a cafe on the bottom floor.”

Grinning, Baekhyun put a hand out, gently touching the giant’s suit. It was Armani, perfectly fit for someone as tall as him. “I think I’ll go around and meet your colleagues first, and if you’re not finished by lunch, I’ll go out in Gangnam and find a place.”

“You have to be careful, then. I’ll be taking Sehun with me in the presentation room as well as to my other business arrangements.”

Nodding, Baekhyun got off the bed and pulled up his jeans. “Okay, well, I’m done.” He moved closer to Chanyeol and peered in the mirror, quickly fixing his hair. “I don’t look too bad for someone who’s not really looking to impress anyone. Cute?”

“A little bit too much…” Chanyeol muttered under his breath to himself before starting for the door. “If you’re done, I’ll be going downstairs. I would think Sehun finished a while ago. Plus, we need to check the dog.”

“Oh! Right!” Baekhyun padded after Chanyeol, only leading the way when the giant stepped aside to close the door behind them. For a minute, he felt too casual standing next to his fiance, but then he shrugged. “Dogs aren’t allowed, but Nugget will be the exception.”

“I told you that you couldn’t bring him, Baekhyun.”

“I know, but--”

“He’ll stay with my parents until we get back.”

Groaning, Baekhyun stopped walking and blocked the giant’s way. “He’s like my only friend here while you and Sehun do your things.”

“Baekhyun, I can’t--”

“Chanyeol, he’s my baby--ourbaby.” Puffing his cheeks, Baekhyun frowned. “Exempt him from the pet law.”

If Chanyeol said no, he already knew Baekhyun wasn’t going to listen and take that answer. In fact, he’d probably hide the dog under his cardigan until they reached the company building, and then he’d take the dog out. It would be embarrassing for those around them to see a dog in a place that was usually very strict, but Chanyeol decided to give in.

“Fine. He can come.” Before Baekhyun could throw his arms in the air, Chanyeol placed his right thumb just under the male’s bottom lip. “If he makes a mess anywhere, guess who’ll be paying for it?”

“You, because it’s your building and you should have a custodian at hand,” Baekhyun snarkily replied as he turned to start walking to down the stairs. “You know, funny thing. I’ve only seen the lobby of the building and your office, which I thought was Kris’. Aside from the brochures my dad kept around his office to compare and occasionally hate on, I haven’t seen much.”

“Then maybe you’ll like what you see if you go on the tour.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to meet me in the copy room and print black and white photos of my butt?”

“I’m very sure, Baekhyun.”

“Look at you, all professional.” Baekhyun laughed. Then hopping off the last two steps of the stairs, he landed on his feet and was immediately met with Nugget running to him. The small dog’s legs were moving so fast, he was in the air half the time he was running. “Baby, dad will take you to your other dad’s workplace, okay? It’ll be fun."

Nugget gave a low growl as Baekhyun took him in his arms. He only had one dad. No ‘other dad’.

Chanyeol gave the dog a glance. He wasn’t too fond of the animal nor was he notfond, but there was a tense relationship between them. In his opinion, the dog was too overprotective and that wasn’t a surprise since Baekhyun liked to spoil it everyday.

Baekhyun imitated the pup’s breathing, sticking out his own tongue and breathing heavily to match Nugget’s. Chanyeol looked away.

As the two were sharing a moment, Sehun walked in from the kitchen wearing a black vest and white undershirt. His hair was slicked back, which left all of his features to be showcased. Immediately after seeing him, Baekhyun stopped with his activity and took in a sharp intake of breath.

“Sehun!” he cried. “You’re hot!?”

The young man seemed amused. When he looked over at the giant, Chanyeol seemed half amused, half irked.

“I guess? I don’t know...Thanks, though?”

Nodding for no reason, Baekhyun gave a concerned look. “Oh, no...” he muttered worriedly. “You’re too attractive…” Quickly, he looked at Chanyeol and then back at the nineteen year old. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t anyone tell me anything?”

“I don’t understand--”

“All this time I thought you were just a cute little gardener who didn’t have a girlfriend because he was shy,” the brunet said, his head slightly hanging before he snapped it back up. “But now you look like a pussy slayer! I feel very deceived--Chanyeol, don’t you feel like you’ve been lied to for a very long time? Actually, nevermind. You weren’t the one who didn’t know about us being engaged for six months so you wouldn’t know.”

Throwing his head back, Chanyeol groaned. “Can we stop discussing how he looks and bringing up things I already apologized for?”

“Fine, but look at him! He looks like he destroys virgins every night! He’s so precious--oh my god.” Baekhyun snapped his fingers. Nugget wasn’t loving the way he was being swung around by his father’s body movements, especially since it concerned the flower boy.“In another life, I would be your girl. We’d keep all our promises, be us against the w--”

Leaning over, Chanyeol tugged on Baekhyun’s cheek, making him stop. “You’re pushing it,” he said in the brunet’s ear.

“But he literally looks like my teenage dream,” Baekhyun winced as he rubbed his face. To Sehun, he sighed. “I’m not lying. You really are what I used to dream about when I was an untouched soul in high school.”

Nugget seemed to disagree, barking at the boy in front of his dad. For once, Chanyeol found that he had something in common with the dog.

“Alright. We’re done here. Let’s go,” Chanyeol said in a voice that warned for no one to question or oppose him. He put a hand very adamantly on Baekhyun’s back and began to push him in the direction of the front door.

Sehun followed closely after. He coughed, clearing his throat as he stepped outside the house. The fresh air seemed to have whisked away the awkward situation just minutes ago. With his hands in his pockets, he gave a lopsided neutral grin. “So we’re meeting with Mr. Liu of Future Tech first to discuss the…”

“The final programming for the microchips we’ve been developing with him for the last thirteen months,” Chanyeol said, glad to keep his mind from Baekhyun’s lack of filter. “He also wants to view the prototype on the test floor. We’ll be there to accompany him.”

As they walked along the pathway, Sehun nodded. “Then there’s the pitch for the robotic prosthetics at eleven.” He glanced at the silver watch on his wrist. “Is there something happening in the afternoon?”

“Nothing,” Chanyeol answered. His eyes watched as Baekhyun set the dog on the ground and let the pup follow him as he skipped ahead. “There’s a board meeting. We have to talk about finances and the monthly reports. Nothing too particularly new.”

“Got it.” The two of them walked at similarly close paces with one another while Baekhyun, who had skipped, was already at the gate, pulling the bars open. “Sorry about Baekhyun…”

“You don’t need to apologize.” Rubbing his eyes, Chanyeol let out a breath. “I guess you can take it as a compliment.”

“Wouldn’t that be weird?”

“It’s Baekhyun. He’s weird all around.”

“I guess that’s true.”



The building looked just like it did months ago. It was large, representing a line of work that Baekhyun had the talent for, but not the interest. Such a thing was too depressing to think about. It was the thought of sitting behind a desk and mindlessly working within restrictions that made him feel uncomfortable with the entire setting despite that fact that he had no issue flourishing in such a place.

He noticed that when they walked in, everyone’s eyes were immediately drawn to the two men walking in front of him. Although he had a black dog in his arms and he was the only one around who wasn’t wearing a formal suit, Baekhyun was nothing compared to his companions. Nugget whined and he comforted him with kisses on the head.

“Does this place remind you of him, Nugs?” Baekhyun asked, whispering in the dogs ear. When the pup blew air out of his nose, he quietly laughed. “Same.”

They passed the front desk, which was very nostalgic for Baekhyun since the woman he had asked for help from months ago was still working there. She didn’t seem to recognize him. That or he was openly ignored because he was with “the boss”.

As they were walking to the clear elevators, a woman came to them--specifically to Chanyeol and Sehun. Baekhyun was invisible to her, or so it seemed.

From the way she looked, Baekhyun knew she wasn’t a secretary. Her actions alone seemed to point away from that direction. Her hair was long and dark brown, falling just below her breasts, and in the brunet’s opinion, she was an attractive woman.

He wondered what hair products she used.

Giving the two men a smile, she shook hands with Sehun, saying, “It’s nice to see you again.”

Sehun returned the gesture, smiling back. “Thank you. It’s nice seeing you again, as well.”

Baekhyun was so caught up in Sehun’s professionalism, he almost cried. “He’s so…”

The woman’s eyes ended Baekhyun’s moment to himself as she held out her hand. “You must be Mr. Byun Baekhyun.”

It was a surprise that she knew his name until Baekhyun remembered that he was practically a celebrity in the industry despite never having truly touched it. Grinning, he nodded as he held Nugget in one arm, trying to shake her hand with the other. “And this is Nugget,” he said proudly. Shyly, Nugget hung his head.

Putting a hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder, Chanyeol gestured a hand to the woman. “Baekhyun, this is Song Junghee. She’s the, I guess…”

“Director of the, what is it? Advertisement?”

“Well, I suppose, but I mean…”

Baekhyun watched. His smile was almost plastered.

For a moment, he wondered where he had heard or even seen the name before. It didn’t take long for his brain to recover the information.

It was in the breakup box; it was in Chanyeol’s letters. Though old, they were the ones he had taken the time to handwrite for his--then--girlfriend.

Glancing down at his feet for a second, Baekhyun frowned. Maybe he was making connections where there wasn’t any. It could’ve just been him. Coincidences were a part of life and he knew that.

“Ah! I remember now.” Chanyeol’s voice broke through Baekhyun’s thoughts. “Baekhyun, she’s the main supervising director of the marketing team.”

“Oh.” He tried to seem enthusiastic, but he fell short of his own standards. “So, you deal with advertisement?”

“Part of it,” Junghee said, nodding. Then her attention was focused back on the CEO. “There are new files and strategies I put on your desk this morning. As far as I know, they’re very good.”

“That’s good to know.” Motioning for them to continue walking to the elevators, Chanyeol led the way. “How’s China?”

“Great.” They stopped just at the doors, standing behind a group of people. “Sales have gone up, and if polls don’t lie, many companies have an interest in either working or commissioning with us.”


The elevator doors opened as a stream of people stepped off. The next batch began loading in. By the time Baekhyun, who was following behind the three, got to the door, the place looked too crowded for his liking. Though there was space, it seemed too claustrophobic.

Chanyeol drew his brows together, frowning. “What’re you doing? Get on. There’s space right here in front of me.”

“If four is a crowd, then eight seems like a concert,” Baekhyun said to him as the elevator dinged.

The doors began to close, but Chanyeol hit the open button. “Then we’ll catch the next elevator--”

Waving his hand, Baekhyun shook his head. “No, you go ahead! Nugget and I will take the next one. You have business.”

“Baekhyun.” The giant hit the button again.

“Chanyeol, stop worrying about me and do your job. I’m going to keep out of your hair remember?” Grinning, Baekhyun reached into the elevator and smacked the close button. He gave a small wave as the doors came out. “I’ll see you upstairs?”

“Are you sure--”

“Very sure.”

After the doors closed, Baekhyun stood in his place for a second. If that was Junghee, then he had just pushed himself out the picture by refusing to take the same elevator despite how he could’ve. If it wasn’t, then it wasn’t. Baekhyun didn’t know, nor was he bothered.

Or at least, he was trying not to be.

Looking at his dog, he took his mind off of it, moving to the left where the other elevator door was. He played with the pup’s paws, gently rubbing it as he asked, “Are you ready to see your other dad’s office? His big office with the big windows?”

Nugget barked. He had no ‘other dad’. Why couldn’t his dad understand that?

chanbaek, not intended: life and marriage, chapter 11

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