....and he was a bastard when his red was in full bloom...

Aug 22, 2005 03:55

the lonesome clouds, their downy billows....comes a tumbling down....softens the nights and soaks up the mess on this killing floor ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

karbeelah August 22 2005, 10:23:00 UTC
what really sucks is drinking chocolate milk first thing in the morning and realizing it was a bad idea on your bowels. this was a nice entry, ryan. welcome back to the "livejournal community."


excitablekid August 24 2005, 20:36:54 UTC
your poetry in motion,wilharm


imbibe, imbibe, til the well runs dry anonymous August 22 2005, 22:17:39 UTC
Ain't nothing like the sight of white lightning and ripened fruits to prove that Descartes and the aenima still exist. And you thought melancholia was your only master! Too much Leonard Cohen, and as much as he came, he never came teardrops.
Keep this up, fucker. You already infiltrated animationville (wool over the eyes, you ragged bunch of sheep!)and now it's time to dig up the corpses of your heroes and mark your territory properly. Prog rebirth! You are an evolution believing progressive aren't you?


Re: imbibe, imbibe, til the well runs dry excitablekid August 24 2005, 20:39:58 UTC
white lightning?! i've had more than enough jokes this week about how pale my back is.....dear christ,i want a drink now.


freehotch August 24 2005, 15:27:00 UTC


excitablekid August 24 2005, 20:41:12 UTC
yeah....i told you!....it sucks!


freehotch August 25 2005, 17:07:51 UTC


thelast1 August 27 2005, 02:36:08 UTC
that makes me smile downstairs...


xenophile September 9 2005, 05:56:57 UTC
flashed with the urge to bring about revelations and consternations of some such value resolve themselves as a tapir

good and well is good but cannot be adjusted, no matter how the scripter or editor or reader might want to enhance a storytelling


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