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Comments 10

gaski November 10 2011, 19:39:14 UTC
That has to be "Crushworthy"! (Well, it doesn't have to be, but I'll be quite surprised if it isn't.)


miasedai November 10 2011, 21:21:14 UTC
I think the poem you're looking for is "Crushworthy" by R. Eirik Ott. It was posted here early this year. It begins "I want someone / to have a crush on me / for a change."


nightspore November 10 2011, 23:33:20 UTC
Burt (a friend) kind of blows a good poem when he says "We should never look down / on what gives strangers comfort" since he just has looked down on the land from the airplane.


dancinguniverse November 11 2011, 00:55:53 UTC
So it looks to me like there's agreement on "Crushworthy," but when I read the description, I totally thought it was the following poem, which seems like it should go in a set with "Crushworthy ( ... )


gh0stmeat November 11 2011, 03:11:05 UTC
This was the poem that came to mind as well. High five!


g_esquared November 11 2011, 08:02:37 UTC

Me too! Uncannily enough, I first read it only a few days ago. Serendipity!


aedrais November 11 2011, 11:04:34 UTC
That was my first thought, too! I'm glad you posted it.


parisiennepen November 19 2011, 21:47:50 UTC
Very nice. I love the last five lines in particular, but the whole thing is really nice.


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