{Spn Mpreg Big Bang} Hush by etoile_etiolee (J2)

Oct 01, 2013 14:09

I enjoy maybe too much any spn big bang that contains wincest or J2, so this when I heard mpreg+spn I literally squeak! :D I'm happy that yohkobennington decided to do this with her friends from the comm mpregwinchester, and I got to participated!

i worked with etoile_etiolee, and really, I have to confess I was really scared of doing this, felt so much pressure and need of making something GREAT, according to her all this set is really connected to the fic (I hope so!) and, well, about the fic? Is hard to tell... it made me cry like a bitch for DAYS, I have to read all the fluffly ones on the internet so I can get over this, thing is... the fic is so bittersweet... so nostalgic itll made you cry a river, but I'm pretty sure everyone is going to enjoy!

Pairing/ Characters: Jared/Jensen, Misha Collins, Danneel Harris, Felicia Day, Genevieve Cortese, Steve Carlson
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Spoilers: Lots of flashback and discussion about a stillborn child, heavy mental illness content, including mention of a previous suicide attempt and electroshock therapy, hospitalization in a psychiatric ward and catatonia.

Summary: Jensen and Jared are married. Jensen can't have kids, but he surprisingly becomes pregnant. When the sonogram uncovers a past pregnancy and surgery scars that Jared doesn't know about, it brings out everything Jensen has kept hidden and locked up to protect himself from the pain. The pregnancy sends him into a torturous journey that will eventually lead him to a complete mental breakdown, a psychiatric admission and a diagnosis of general anxiety disorder and depression as the baby inside of him grows. Jensen will need all the help he can get and Jared’s support to believe he can have a baby born alive and healthy. The road to recovery is long and difficult but in the end, Jensen gets to have what was denied to him previously: a healthy baby and a supporting husband.







@art: comision, @art: spnmpregbb, +fandom: supernatural rps

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