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Comments 43

phaedresgarden December 14 2013, 13:50:59 UTC
Hi, I'm awake, fear my staying up all night thing. *cough*

Starting from the bottom. I vote for Young Do plus Kim Tan getting it on okay? Angsty I sorta kinda but not really hate you sex? Yes please.

Abbie + Jennie Mills - You are good job. But I actually like Ichabod, I'm just tired of his dumb "I was everywhere and knew everybody during the revolution" schtick. It's gotten old. I do love Ichabod and Abbie doing their staring thing. It's not love or lust, it's just you are my bro and I heart you staring.

Amy Pond + Doctor Who - seriously so fucked up, so very fucked up and I hated the end of them so very much.

I can't comment on the others because I don't really know even the slightest thing (well Angel I do but I'm bitter because some guy stole my Angel dvds and well I can't comment)

I would also like to put forth as honorable mention?

Sherlock + Watson of Elementary because, they are such bros. The end.


ever_neutral December 15 2013, 03:47:50 UTC
I don't endorse my friends not sleeping at all. GO TO BED.

I love how simpatico we are on everything about The Heirs despite you never having watched it.

I'm just tired of his dumb "I was everywhere and knew everybody during the revolution" schtick.
lol, this. tbf I like Ichabod himself fine, I just find the writing for him SO TIRESOME. Why can't we cut all of his historical adventures and just let his main role be bro-ing it up with Abbie.

Heeeee, I loved the end of Amy/Doctor ngl. UNHAPPY ENDINGS ARE MY SHIT, OK.

(Fuck this dude who stole your Angel DVDs! I hope justice is served.)

Joan/Watson are possibly my FAVE BROS on TV atm but they are totally functional to me so did not make the post.


kwritten December 14 2013, 14:41:49 UTC
Amen to everything (that I have seen) obviously. But also::

but underneath the Peter & Wendy fairytale
//smashes in breathlessly




((I want to sob with delight the way Peter/Wendy interact on Once Upon a Time - it's every fucked up, disastrous thing I ever wanted for the two of them.))

Somewhere in the depths of my squishy, baby heart is a teeeeeny black center. And that black center is FUCKING PETER PAN AND WENDY.

So yes. I throw black parades of doom and angst when people compare Amy/11 to Peter/Wendy. Because they think they are making a comparison to a fairy tale, but they are actually making a case for how truly fucked up both pairs are.


SISTERS + COMPETENCE PORN. WHERE HAS THIS SHOW BEEN ALL MY LIFE? Minus Ichabod.tralalala Ichabod has gone from mildly amusing/cutey to OMG WHERE IS JENNY GET THIS LOSER OFF MY SCREEN FOR FUCK'S SAKE ( ... )


ever_neutral December 15 2013, 03:56:58 UTC

lol, I don't watch Once Upon A Time but I've seen gifsets on my dash that make me want to Youtube the clips. However, this is probably a very bad idea.

And that black center is FUCKING PETER PAN AND WENDY.
Intro post tbh. I'm convinced 99% of my personal damage derives from this story.

I throw black parades of doom and angst when people compare Amy/11 to Peter/Wendy. Because they think they are making a comparison to a fairy tale, but they are actually making a case for how truly fucked up both pairs are.
RIGHT ( ... )


kwritten December 15 2013, 05:46:23 UTC
(the Buffy/Faith section warmed my soul, really it did. there should be a Buffy revolution centered on the ladies)

I've seen gifsets on my dash that make me want to Youtube the clips.
Don't do it.

[[Spoilers]]:: in 2013 Peter Pan has baby-Wendy locked in a cage and he pulls her out occasionally to "play games" (aka: trick other, dim-witted children into trusting Pan because he loves poor, sick, dying Wendy soooo much) he never let her grow up - and meanwhile John and Michael are growing up (slowly? they are adults anyway) doing his dirty work so that they can stop him from killing her. He never lets her grow up and he never lets her leave. All the fucked up everything I love it so much.

I'm convinced 99% of my personal damage derives from this story.
When I was a kid, Bluebeard was my secret fave and I always attributed a lot of my damage to that (because: worst) until very recently, when Peter Pan seemingly came back into my life... ((but seriously what kid likes the story where the child-bride watches her brothers kill her ( ... )


ever_neutral December 15 2013, 10:59:15 UTC
How do we make the women-centric Buffy revolution happen.

[[Spoilers]]:: in 2013 Peter Pan has baby-Wendy locked in a cage and he pulls her out occasionally to "play games" (aka: trick other, dim-witted children into trusting Pan because he loves poor, sick, dying Wendy soooo much) he never let her grow up - and meanwhile John and Michael are growing up (slowly? they are adults anyway) doing his dirty work so that they can stop him from killing her. He never lets her grow up and he never lets her leave. All the fucked up everything I love it so much.
O.O Don't make me want to watch it.

trololol I never actually read Bluebeard but that sounds like a jam tbh.

Also - where the hell is my shopping montage and Ichabod in skinny jeans? Like seriously get your acts together.
I can co-sign this.

re: Heirs, there is a certain reunion indeed. You may want to google it.

I have too many shows to watch, excuse you. FALALALALALA YOU WILL NOT TEMPT ME.

ha! like there's anything about that is platonic. //pets you silently digs a hole and ( ... )


goldenusagi December 14 2013, 15:41:55 UTC
fucked up platonic relationships

Walt and Jesse win this category hands down, IMO.


snickfic December 14 2013, 16:08:12 UTC
Your Faith+Buffy feelings warm my soul. (Whyyy have I not written them bunches? One of these days I'm going to have a personal BtVS renaissance, and I'm going to write, among other things, tons of Buffy+Faith (or Buffy/Faith).)


ever_neutral December 15 2013, 04:42:41 UTC



lynnenne December 14 2013, 16:21:00 UTC
Totally echo your Buffy + Faith, and the entire AtS gang.

Klaus + Elijah, obviously.

Damon + Alaric. "You tried to kill me." / "You DID kill me. Twice! I don't like you anymore!" TRUE LOVE IS MUTUAL MURDER.

Stefan + Klaus, although I can't convince myself that it was actually platonic.

Captain Janeway + Seven of Nine. Although this relationship was not as fucked up as it could have been, I completely enjoyed the episodes where they locked horns. Plus, how awesome was it to see any kind of relationship (functional or dys) between two female leads in pre-BtVS sci-fi land? Groundbreaking, that's how awesome.

Penny + Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. Or pretty much Sheldon + anyone.


ever_neutral December 15 2013, 04:45:03 UTC
"You tried to kill me." / "You DID kill me. Twice! I don't like you anymore!" TRUE LOVE IS MUTUAL MURDER.

Fair point.

trololol Stefan/Klaus. I always forget that wasn't ACTUALLY CANON.

I've only seen a handful of Voyager episodes, but I approve. SEVEN OF NINE. ♥

HOW COULD I FORGET PENNY/SHELDON? tbf though they were relatively functional.


lynnenne December 15 2013, 15:03:30 UTC
They are now, yes. Or as functional as any two people can be when one of them is Sheldon.


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