This is when you know there's something wrong with public school.

Oct 29, 2007 00:23

This is taken from my K-5 grade school. This didn't exist when I went there, and thank goodness. This is one of the sickest, most horrific things I've seen in a long while...

A failed culture is one that is incapable of transmitting knowledge )

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Comments 8

kevinxgajewski October 29 2007, 11:05:41 UTC


killmetheking26 October 29 2007, 19:25:54 UTC
im going to have to go ahead and disagree with you.

not that i agree with this, but america has kind of gotten to the point where family values are so misconstrued that we almost have to have classes like this.

us, living in middletown and the surrounding areas, are pretty closed off to the fact that there are single mothers, single fathers, 20something year old parents who are completely incapable of raising children.

statistically, one out of every two marriages will fail. i think that says a lot about family values in america. it's not really all that healthy for a young kid to live with daddy one week and mommy the next.

if the divorce rate wasn't so high, and people didn't have babies before they were ready to, then there would be no need for this program.


killmetheking26 October 29 2007, 21:49:28 UTC
I agree with Chris on this one. While it's indeed sad that it has gotten to this point, the truth is the family unit has broken down to the point where an outside source has to come in and attempt to instill this knowledge themselves.

I have personal experience with this. My parents were so busy dealing with their own fucked up relationship that they never had any of "the talks" with me (I vaguely remember my dad trying to have the sex talk once, but he failed miserably in getting the message across). Everything I learned I picked up from friends, which is not the way things should be. If the schools had taught me what my parents neglected, I think I would have been much better adjusted as a preteen than i was.

I think its simply a case of "how people live" and "how people ought to live." Something like this ought not to be necessary, but the sad reality is that it is.



killmetheking26 October 29 2007, 22:47:22 UTC


zakkmastro October 29 2007, 20:34:21 UTC
the fact that this is necessary is the worst part

also i feel bad for my children's children who dont get to have that awkward conversation with their dad about the "birds and the bees"


i_am_the_fury October 30 2007, 01:26:06 UTC
i think ct and kyle's points are just as valid as yours, evan.
but i'm still not really sure where i stand on this all.


phoebe_cyclops October 30 2007, 03:45:24 UTC
good thing i'm not even having kids!


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